Doc and Tim Losing in Silver

So is nobody going to mention how TimTheTatman and DrDisrespect have been losing lots of games in silver.

Its been about 2 weeks now and they even had another GM tank join them as trio last stream. They still cant get the doc out of silver.

Pretty sad state of affairs for the game really. It seems to match players based on equal stats to form a 50/50 win percent. Instead it should match purely on rank. Silver vs silver, gold vs gold etc…


The problem is no one is really ranked correctly anymore. Sure you got your elites at the top and your actual potatoes at the bottom of the ladder. But the other 90% of us are at the mercy of the cursed matchmaker and its handicapping tendencies.


I dont think the game handicaps people, other wise thats just bad game design and business. Lots of players would leave left and right.

But i do feel the game doesnt place people properly, and takes a very long grind to rank up. It shouldnt premake matches based on stats and be a 40/60 or 50/50 out come before the match starts. No other real “competitive” game in existence does this. And none have the issues this game does.

Heres my constructive suggestions on making comp a better experience for all players.

  1. seasons need to be much longer, 6 months to a year per season

  2. each season every player starts at 0 sr and works their way up.

  3. solo que and group que matchmaking
    If in group que no more then 250sr difference

  4. remove matchmaking by mmr and only have pure sr

  5. remove the pre match setup of any win chances

  6. put back decay to how it was

  7. increase pbsr

  8. require sms for all accounts of any rank to play comp

  9. add a real score board

  10. remove medals system and card system at end


I agree with most of those points except for 6, 7, and maybe 2.

I mentioned 2 because a few games have done that lately and feels so much better, seems to get players where they truly belong aswell.

But hey im just saying what i would do, most people post on here only complain but dont give constructive feed back


That’s because Tim the Platman is actually a bronze man. It’s REALLY hard to carry bronze teammates to higher elos


Also mmr matchmaker.

I’ve experienced this duo with a gm in gold.

We got to face other smurfs or got useless wood tier team mates.

He told me those games harder than being back in gm.

In some of his solo gold games he was getting 90+ elims as Pharah and still losing.

Mmr matchmaker needs to go. Most matches are still garbage one sided stomps, so all it’s doing is making players get carried or held back.


Doc was overplaced as funny as that sounds as 1.8k is bot territory but he deserves <500. He literally doesnt know half of the abils.

Also Tim’s alt is high plat I think? So it’s dishonest to say they are in silver games.


Agreed he was over placed, but we are talking about a former cs pro player, and doc has incredible mechanics as well. Sad part was they were struggling mostly because this game has gotten to the point, that very low skill based heroes dominate now and way to much shooting at shields.


Who cares? They are garbage at Overwatch. If you want a higher rank, you need to be good at the game. Not aiming.


Any evidence to back that claim up?

They’re not getting fair matches half the time. And that’s their fault lmao. Neither Tim nor Doc are actually that good at Overwatch… and they’re streaming in low ELO… with massive audiences. Obviously hundreds of people are going to be constantly trying to snipe. Most of them more than capable of smurfing in silver. What did they expect?


Yeah, as I’ve always said, this isn’t a FPS, it’s first person moba. when you think of it like that, you do better. That’s why younger people grasp this game easier than older people. This isn’t traditional and doesn’t run along traditional mechanics.

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I watched doc throw a game while walking around and failing to even participate in the fight. He belongs in bronze on game sense, only his aim is allowing him to even be in silver.


The “gold” games look helluva faster than gold games I see posted on Unit Lost, etc


Once he spends time playing he has the potential to be gold
/platinum easy in a few months. This is a deep game with A LOT to take in for new players. So judging him now is pointless.
Considering he has no clue about anything, He’s
doing ok. Lol

Also who saw the rant he made about overwatch ? I was literally lmao hahaha bro the guy is a clown and he’s hilarious sometimes lol


I don’t understand why people defend him, lol. He’s bad, and hes aim is bad too. I wasn’t a “cs pro”, like him, just played 1.6 for fun, and played CSGO for like 2 years (had 50%+ headshot ratio), and when I reached lvl25 in OW I did 10 placements with McCree and Soldier and got 2100 SR. Not bronze, or silver… Having average aim is only enough for gold SR. You have bad aim, and you’re bronze or silver.

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I think it’s an act tbh.

I recall in middle of one rant he cracked a smile.

He’s a very funny performer.

And he does shine an unflattering light on how toxic I get…


I firmly believe that an overwhelming majority of the players are not placed correctly, some are, but most aren’t.

Gold and silver feel like if you are in a room with 1000 people so its really packed, and every time one person gets out the door 2 people get put in. So eventually you might get out of the room, but its going to take a long time, and be more hassle than it should be. almost at the point of not being worth it at all.


Winning is about playing the objective.

A hotshot player can have a enemy team kill and still lose the game for the team because he stepped off the point during overtime. I once burned an enemy Genji for chasing the POTG with his Dragon blade and dashing off the objective for the last kill.