Doc and Tim Losing in Silver

of course “dr. disrespect” is acting. it’s an obvious persona and he doesn’t even try to pretend it isn’t - look up the drama that went down in his personal life when he was a pubg streamer. the moustache isn’t real either, if you were wondering.

any part of the “etc” after “unit lost” is almost guaranteed to be less of a mistake than listening to anything stylosa puts out. some people just want their ego stroked, though, and he’s great for ego stroking - up there with youroverwatch.

if you want some feedback and advice that will help you improve, check out iostux, kabaji, ml7, dibz, nickdarick.

“calm down…”


And I think, shock horror, he might be wearing a wig…


Looks like system is doing good job, he doesnt belong higher, his gamesense is low bronze.


He had a point tho. You have to focus on so much crap. That’s why I play tank, so I can focus more without stressing myself about mechanics at the same time.

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You cannot get carried in Overwatch. I am glad that myth is busted.


or the game changed since tim last played and doc isn’t good?


You skipped the million alt accts messing up.the ladder.


He’s not bronze. He has Plat aim.

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Meh. Mcree is in a good spot. He should be doing better.

If you believe the game places people poorly, then imo that is a form of handicap in itself. Straight away a smurf or anything of the nature has a tremendous advantage in this scenario.

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All the ranks are dominated by alt accounts from mains one/two ranks above.

Maybe the new players in bronze are more numerous but it’s the smurfs that determine the outcome of the match and gatekeep advancement.

Blizzard tried to address the alt-account thing with rank-by-role. But the advantages of having one or multiple alts for practice is apparently still too strong.

And it’s really no problem. The quality of games from silver on up has dramatically improved.


Wonder how many boosters left OW to get a real job, like boosting in league. This game is terrible. If you have 100% aim accuracy you’re damage will just get healed through, bubbled, blocked by a shield. You literally have to rely on everyone else to do everything for you, because your ability to make an impact is just too small.

But they actually do… ?

Doc is a really bad player and doesn’t belong to silver, he knows nothing about the game and can only get kills because of decent aim, but even that way he still feeds more than people at bronze rank. Tim is plat/low diamond level currently, he can only maintain masters because he gets carried by Emongg and Jay3 (that are t2-t3 pro level) and even that way he still goes in almost 10 games losing streaks. If they are playing duo or trio, unless Tim and the tank were also silver/low gold level, the matchmaking will put doc facing high gold and plat players to prevent the match from being unbalanced (And the only way to fix that is to put a SR range cap on lower elos, which would increase queue times and prevent friends from playing with eachother).

It’s not a sad state, they are trying to boost (something that should get all of them banned in the first place) a low elo player who is really bad and can’t do it because he is that bad and because they had smurfs on the enemy team (just like them) helping them to not achieve their goal, I’d say it’s deserved. After all, if doc got to gold or plat, he’d quickly drop to silver or bronze.


Well, welcome to Overwatch, the game you need game sense more than AIM to be able to carry. If you are not consistent you won’t be able to get the openings when the enemy shield is down and if you are not smart to get the backline you won’t be able to see that much value. If all the player has is AIM, he can play CoD or CS.

What is game sense? You stand behind your shield, and shoot the enemy shield the entire game. When their shield goes down, hopefully your team goes in and kills everyone. What “game sense” lol.

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The more your rank goes up, people will be flanking in a smart way and be way less out of position, reins won’t let their barriers get busted so quickly and dva will peel for the supports. Knowing when dva’s matrix is on cooldown to get the supports or knowing when to flashbang the reaper behind you as mcree for example is game sense. So is avoiding shatters, death blossoms or tracking the enemy widow rotation (Which you can see in OWL carpe vs sayaplayer duel done in a majestic way), knowing when the enemy mercy will have valk to kill her before the brig for example is game sense. As sombra you need to know when the enemy has immortality, beat or transcendence before EMP.

Doc’s game sense is so low all he does even in silver (A rank people just spam abilities) is shoot orisa shield when everyone is past it, flank a dva or roll inside the enemy rein 1v6. With his aim he could carry really really hard just by taking highgrounds, flashbanging above rein shield and flanking, since people hardly hit shots at that rank and the moiras walk in a straight line.

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I just went up against a rein/sigma. Looked at two shields the entire game I couldn’t break alone. And killed instantly every time I try to flank. OW is just a bad game lol. There’s literally no counter play. Your team picks a good comp you win, your team picks a bad comp you lose. There’s nothing you can do.

Thanks OW community for keeping double tank BTW, instead of going 1-3-2. I like looking at two shields every game, not being able to shoot anything, while the enemy team stays clumped together in a little ball with unlimited healing. It’s so fun playing an FPS game where nobody ever dies.

We have zarya/rein. They have Sig/rein. We lose. They break our shield, they push, nothing I can do.

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Welcome to team sports. They’re not for everyone.

I see overwatch becoming less team dependent in the future as a good thing - Jeff Kaplan.

Welcome to the OW forum, where people post their opinions on how the game should be changed for the better. It’s not for everyone.