Do you think Sombra is in a good position? Why or why not?

She is good

the thing is,

she needs to be taught about

She is heavily team oriented and she depends greatly on her team comp. Having her passive highlight enemies below half health is quite a strong passive, but hard to take advantage of when you have a weak team comp. Primarily the choice depends on your 2nd DPS.

She’s never been good.

Her utility is only useful if a team can follow up on it. None of her abilities can be reliably used in a team fight. For as powerful as Sombra can potentially be on paper, her kit never reaches that potential. Hack and EMP may suck because it’s a measely 5 seconds without abilites, but a lot of people are absolutely fine and dandy if it’s a flashbang or a Hook that is a guaranteed death.

She’s kept weak for fear of her becoming too strong, but she’s never had a chance to be strong enough to warrant that fear. The one time Sombra was in a somewhat okay spot, she was nerfed within 2 weeks with a hotfix because of professional player complaints, while her pickrate and winrate on ladder were already dropping. The hotfix literally broke Hack, making it impossible to use and we’re still recovering from that hotfix. She was treated the same way OG ironclad Bastion was, without having nearly the same impact on the game.

She has the potential to be an amazing hero, but she’s never allowed to reach that potential.


Um… no? She is annoying as hell to the point where people want her nerfed, but she is one of the worst heroes in the game. That is just objectively a bad position.

I can’t say she’s good. It all depends on her team’s follow-up. Other than that, she sucks. She has never been good except in March 2018 for two weeks.

And she’s not an easy or braindead hero. You just have to learn how to play her to understand that.

I feel like her minimal utility hurts her. She needs to be able to do more then just shut down one target of another if she is going to do so little damage by herself.

Frankly if her hack/ult doubled as a CC removal tool for her teammates she would be a much more enticing pick.

Not in a good position … her entire kit is unreliable, she isn’t very skillbased anymore and her rework fail because she still is used as an EMP bot.


Obviously not good right now, because she effectively is not performing anywhere right now.
Spread buff was the wrong direction. They need to adress her downtime properly in a non 1 step forward 2 steps back approach and improve hack follow up through better UI visuals such as timer skulls and wall hacks on hacked targets.
Also in an attempt to reduce her downtime i made a suggestion to rework her stealth yesterday, if you guys are interested go check it out.

If I’m playing her, she’s amazing. Honestly the best DPS. Problem is that only I can play her. Anyone else that tries to fail her flops. :neutral_face: Literally only play her if you have amazing DPS like me :sunglasses:. Don’t play her if you know in your heart that you’re a degenerate DPS player.

Hell no

Shes honestly at her worst right now, and I’ve played her since the day she was released

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Launch version was worse, but yeah she isnt doing so hot.

Depends. Did she pull off the hack and kill the target? Then yes, she was in a good position. If she didn’t, no, she wasn’t in a good position.

Very strong at punishing enemy heroes out of position, very weak otherwise. Benefits greatly from having a Pharah, Junkrat, or Orisa on the team, as all three tend to consistently disrupt enemy positioning.

No and she never was because her damage is too low.

sombra is a good hero but never will be on ladder unless turned extremely op

Nope, she needs less downtime. Take a couple seconds off TL so we can attempt drop hacks and fake EMPs again.

she definetly need some buffs. Kind of make her more viable to medium players and not only pro players.

Situational at best. You’re more than likely better off playing someone with a big ol’ gun and calling it a day. A hero who has utility to make up for lack of damage could work, but in Sombra’s case, that utility is deemed too annoying to play against.

I feel like her and Symmetra are in the same “So uh, we are here lol” boat.

I think she’s slightly underpowered and does need a little bit of oomph. The main issue though is she’s -very- team-reliant, which makes her bad in most games.