This is mostly based on the idea which was suggested by SchWiniX, but i want to refresh the suggestion because we now have an experimental card where we can actually test things without having to over commit to make them go live.
The base idea is to reduce down time by making stealth more useful as a general mid-fight mobility tool, which also allows her to use it as an escape and thus gives it more versatility and makes it less of a low value downtime trap. This would also open up options to use her translocator more offensively.
Cooldown removed
Infinite duration removed
Now added a recourse meter worth 8 seconds of stealth
Stealth now boosts speed by 100%, speed boost starts the moment she starts cloaking
Getting hit by dmg cancels her invisibility, but she still keeps her speed boost
Stealth recovers while not using it passively at a 1 second : 1 second ratio
Doing damage to enemies boosts the recovery rate by 100%.
Unlike fade this still doesnt make her invulnerable, nor is it as fast as a Tracer blink, so its still punishable. Also since its no longer unlimited duration, its more fair for the enemy to be able punish bad recourse management.
This makes Sombra a less campy, not doing anything character torwards a more dynamic engaging character, which makes her probably also more fun to play against because shes not just waiting for cheap opportunties but at the same time she ends up more useful for her team.
I would call that a win/win situation. Only downside is that this makes her harder to play as you have to keep track of your recourses and relearn rollouts again. Stealth will be less braindead, but also more fun to use.
Jeff hinted that they are going to look at Bastion. So might as well give it a try for Sombra as well. They must have seen by now that the spread buff was the wrong direction.
Is it though? Her old stealth had 75% and she wasnt anywhere near to being insane. If stealth should end up being a viable escape tool, just going back to the old speed isnt gonna cut it.
I dont underestimate it, which is why i complained as they removed it. Just saying in my suggestion that isnt even coming back, but she gets a better speed boost so it becomes a viable escape tool mid battle.
I’m playing some Skye from Paladins which is a stealth assasin and her escape ability is instant invis and it doesn’t work very well … the issue is that when you need to escape someone is shooting at you and even when you get invisible they somewhat know where you are and it is easy to get you killed.
Which is why the big speed boost is needed to make it work.
Sombra has also the translocator where she can do a short translocation to get invulnerability and use the opportunity to get invis. In my suggestion even if she gets hit, she only loses the invis but keeps the speed boost as long as she has the recourses.
Kills are coming really fast in OW and even 100% speed boost won’t be fast enough in most situations, but the issue with that speed is more how fast you can get back into fight after you died and how easy you can get into position in fights.
How is that an issue? Actually the complete opposite is true that the issue is that she doesnt get back into the fights fast enough, because her downtime is way too big. Thats one of the main reasons she isnt performing. OW is fast paced like you said yourself. Thats why the nerf to 50% movement speed actually hurt her more than people want to admit.
Going back into the fight asap is one of the most important things … that’s why Sym2.0 was a great pick in some situations. If you give a hero that much power you have to nerf him somewhere else and I don’t want Sombra to be nerfed in otherplaced. by the way last post for today.
Deykar you are the champion for supporting the cause of getting Sombra fixed, but god damn it seeing your posts just reminds me that it’s never going to happen because Blizzard hates Sombra.
I’ve been playing her since her release and it just never got better for her.
Symm has a perma tp for the whole team to get back to the teamfight faster after dying, yet she isnt used or OP in any fashion.
Sombras invis wouldnt even be permanent anymore. This actually supports my case that it isnt an issue.
Syms perma TP is incredible niche … her ult TP was actually very strong in a lot of situations. Sombra with 100% speed boost for 8s can be back in action almost instantly after respawn ever time. 75% speed boost is good. And her translocator is a much better bail out ability anyway.