Do you think Sombra is in a good position? Why or why not?

After some previous discussions i’ve become really curious about what the community thinks about Sombra.

In the right hands and with the right teammates shes a menace.

in the hands of the (mic-less) masses, she’s impotent and a throw pick. Much of her power lies in her ultimate and in communication, as well as the knowledge that people are going to follow up.

She’s bastion’s foil. Where bastion needs his entire team to be around him while he does the work, Sombra needs her entire team to be ready to work off of what she does. Both are feast or famine heroes.


No, she’s bad. But as long as hack and emp stay in her kit she’ll never be good because no one likes playing against her

In her current state her value is… Limited.

But if she were moved to support and her hack/ult double as a cc removal and heal while also having her current kit I could get behind it.

Sombra isn’t in a very good position. Her team is way over there. She should be with them, hacking targets for them, instead of trying to 1v1 the Hanzo. Communication is very important.

I think sombra is in a bad position, because healing power creep has made all damage but burst useless, and cooldowns aren’t strong enough for sombra to disrupt and have impact.

I don’t think she needs buffs, I think the healing and tank power creep needs significant nerfs.


this can be said about literally every hero in the game

I personally think Sombra is definitely a menace, but more ‘cockroach’ than ‘t-rex’. Hard to kill and annoying but not deadly.

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Sombra is one of the worst heroes in the game. Playing her well at high rank takes her from a 1/10 to a 2/10, that’s all.


Unrelated, but I’d say a t-rex is far more complicated to kill than a cockroach

I would say she’s been in a bad situation. The hacking is so annoying… it just sucks the fun out of every CD hero… but her actual damage is so low that she’s team dependent. And coupled with her invisibility, her dmg probably can’t be buffed or she’ll just wreck healers every game

Many, not all. No mercy in the right hands is ever going to be a menace.

Point I was trying to make though: There are certain heroes who only get value when the entire team is structured around them and is 100% committed to the strategy. The two biggest are Bastion, Sombra, and I’d also put Symm in there. If the team isn’t willing to work with them, or the person isnt in channel… they’re pretty much throw picks unless you’re god with them.

I would say she has problems, but there are heroes way worse off then her… Like when was the last time torb was any good at all or when was the last time zenyatta was meta?

torbs a sleeper pick. think of the poor bastions in the world.

Though its hard to deny her waaaayyy below 50% winrate. Ive seen it as low as 35% :frowning:

I can play a mean torb. But he is well past his prime since he got his damage nerf, he doesn’t keep up with the rest of the pack.

Also bastions winratevis only because people pick him at the end of a round as a desperate last effort. Which is terrible for him but he is balanced as is.

Yes. I do. She feels pretty impactful right now. Her biggest problem is what it’s always been, teammates refusing to follow up. The only thing I would change is adding sugar skulls to hacked targets so that hack is more visible. It should help with followup.

He’s a good pick and off meta right now. Zenyatta was meta the last meta. Bap + Zen double shield.

As i’ve said before, she’s fine if you’re not playing to win. Sombra is a fun hero such that even if you lose 10 games in a row, you’ll still have had an epic time in each one.

No need for changes. If my teammates complain, i tell them to ask the devs to buff her instead, and they have no right to complain if they’re not on comms (And usually the complainers aren’t)

Looks at her stats. No. Having low-tier heroes such as Sombra, Bastion and Symmetra are a problem both community and balance.

When you have heroes that are generally viewed as bottom-tier by the overall playerbase for a significant amount of time than you inevitability create the potential for a toxic environment.

Furthermore, having heroes with such low pick and winrates lowers the diversity of the game overall. If Sombra, Bastion and Symmetra were all buffed so that they become decent than it would make the game more balanced overall. For now comps are made viable due to an increase of options and certain heroes will need to be played more often both to synergize and counter them.

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I personally think she’s in a good spot. She’s used a lot in OWL when other heroes like McCree are banned.

There are a lot of heroes that are in a generally good place (but could use some small tweaks) but it’s other heroes that are just much stronger that prevent most of the dps roster from being picked.

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