Do you think Blizzard would Rework symmetra again?

I don’t think another rework is really necessary. It would be nice, but unnecessary. Here are my proposed changes for Symmetra 3.0.

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Once in 2 years, and the game was a lot more different but also it was South Korea just stomping every team I doubt they played Sym seriously but it might be me being negative.

Current Sym got used during last year’s world cup (By Finland I think ?), during contenders and lastly the OWL league.

Sym is used for her TP, she’s also used for her wall (See how gladiators didn’t switch Sym until her ult to cut the map in half and win the team fight) if anything is useless it’s her turrets but that’s just in pro play turrets are fine on ladder.

Not saying she’s perfect and she doesn’t need buffs.

I still think they should make her primary lvl 1 useful, fix TP, QoL changes overall (These railings, the TP not appearing at your feet…).

She might need something regarding survivability (I was thinking of a passive letting her gain temporary shields after hitting barriers) but I don’t really know I’m biased and think she’s fine.

Old symms niche was atleast better than the new one. She had more area denial on 2CP and Shield gen, omg shield gen! i miss it so much especially on 2CP. New symmetra is just being used for her tp in pro play… that’s new symm’s niche her TP. that’s barely being used without screaming at your team and flooded with bugs.


It’s better than nothing ?

At least people can see a use for her.

Sym lost and gained weaknesses, comparing the two is not a good idea in my opinion.

Symmetra wasn’t as bad as people liked to claim she was. Using her on attack was a good stategy. Uncooperative or angry teammates was the largest barrier preventing it from being successful. I think its weird Symmetra was best used on defence before, but the pros have only used Symmetra 3.0 on attack. She seems to have lost her main strengths from before.


I miss shield generator too. I suggested early that it could become a passive ability. Using the damage she does to use it as shield to allies.


Symmetra could turn into a support once again which IMO makes the mos tsense for her based on all of her previous kits abilities. An interesting mechanic for this would be in 1.0 Symm she could apply a shield to someone. Say Symm applies the shield that target will regenerate x amount of hp so long as the shield is on the target, etc etc.

I just think Symmetra lore-wise and character wise fits better into a support role especially looking back into all her previous abilities. But how to make her feel like a healer is the tricky part ~


I liked the idea of non-healing support.


good lord i would hope not

she’s in the best spot to receive tweaks than she’s ever been in

a lock on can be too strong to balance
same with spammable piercing orbs

her ultimates were too weak or too strong depending on if you were fighting one competent enemy player

she only needs tweaks, definitely not another rework, and certainly not a revert

the mechanics are there for her to be good right now, but the internal numbers are just slightly incorrect

this isn’t an opinion
that’s literally how she was
it’s too strong or too weak, that’s why she couldn’t have been buffed before to be useful with her previous weapon, it’s a good thing the lock-on is gone, so she doesn’t have to suffer overall for it

if they add a new hero with spammy piercing shots, or lock-on mechanics, then they need to do some serious thinking on how to balance it overall because it wasn’t working out with symmetra and it wasn’t capable of being fixed with the small adjustments they can make currently to fix her

this was the main reason i picked her as my first hero back in beta testing

my friend told me about this game and all i wanted was to play as mercy
then i saw a summoner in the “support” category?
was perfect for me

they killed the idea of having a non-white-health-healing support and i’m pretty disappointed, but i’m still liking the direction they’re going with for symmetra if they don’t want that

though if they DO end up adding it… boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

That last idea sounds pretty good ngl

Also her turrets aren’t supposed to be her primary source of damage, its supposed to be more of an inconvience that her teammates can capitalize on (for instance discord or as you mentioned, ana nade). Most of her damage comes from her beam, which is severely underpowered.

Symmetra now has a better match up against Pharah, able to more reliably hit her with orbs. Sentries can be placed higher and from further away, and new travel paths mean Sym is more likely to get the jump on Pharah. The only trade off is Photon Barrier; it’s less capable of killing Pharah with her own Barrage.

Symmetra’s match ups against most tanks is similar on the who would win scale (it’s usually Sym), but with different time to kills and actions taken to control the enemy. To fight Winston, Sym needs to utilize her teleporter to kite him around while getting full charge; different from ‘have a Shield Generator’. Against Reinhardt, Sym needs to stay just out of melee range, but is more vulnerable to Earth Shatter; different from ‘predict Earth Shatter with Photon Barrier’. Perhaps a Teleporter would help, though I’ve only managed to avoid a Shatter once so far.

If anything needs to change in Sym’s kit, I would make her Teleporter’s duration and cooldown behave similarly to Torbjorn’s Turret; increase its range of use, and add in a visual circle around the Teleporter to indicate its increased range of use.

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Doubt it they did whole new art and animation effects for 3.0. they are awful at admitting fault and failure let alone if they sink a load of time into it.

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3.0 doesn’t need a rework if Blizzard actually gave 3.0 what they stated. But instead they lied then edited their statements out of their posts. All four of Symmetras base abilities thats four out of five total!!! They don’t function as they should. So talk about failure.

I think she is squishy, because she doesn’t have shield ult, nor the shield power.

if they let her steal shields with her beam, it would be good.

I agree. I wish they would combine symm 2.0 and 3.0. We all miss shield gen and a Moira feel primary would be great

I agree. Symm 2.0 had so much though involved. It was also fun to have your own secondary objective (tp and shield gen)


Yes please, other way around though.

Teleporter, photon barrier, no lock on beam, big shield ult.

I hope you didn’t mean to say ‘thought’. I’ve never seen a hero that required as little thought to play as 2.0. Just imagining how she got through beta testing or even the design table sickens me.

A revert would solve literally nothing.

At this point he might just need another rework, like, a huge rework.

ya this is the problem, she was a hero designed for people who didn’t want to put in effort to get better like anyone else has to

but fair enough, less damage with auto lock
about 10 dps sounds proportional to the effort required to hold left click and nothing else

By your logic lets nerf Winston aswell.
Literally a troll right here.

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