Do you think 3-2-1 will be implemented?

1-3-2 actually makes OW enjoyable again. There is no way I can go back to 2/2/2 after this


Eh, not really. One reason you won’t find me in QPC is because I risk solo healing or filling in as a lonely tank - a tank that’s supposed to have an offtank as backup, but doesn’t. I hope they come back with a second version of 132, and they go further to make solotanks stronger.


sure as heck hope not!


Jeff already said it won’t. It’s just on Experimental for players to try.


To be frank Jeff has backpedalled on more than enough statements like this in the past to make it meaningless as an indicator of anything.


No way … picking anything else than Rein, Orisa, Sigma and maybe Zarya is basically throwing right now.


The feedback in the sticky has been much more negative. It won’t be implemented


Like others have said, I hope not.
I would not want to queue for solo tank probably ever, and playing support in forced 1-3-2 was not enjoyable to me, so… I guess I would just stop playing? Those are my main roles.

If we’re stuck with role queue, 2-2-2 is my favorite 6-person array.


Don’t worry, i’d que solo tank all day in 321.
Only mode where playing tank is fun, granted i play zarya and she feels awesome

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3 tanks, 2 DDs, 1 healer? I highly doubt it.

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He said that on day one. Even on this forum the naysayers are turning around.
But put money where your mouth is and show this forum where jeff recently claimed that its received negatively and wont make it to the main game.

I havent even touched competative since 1-3-2 came out. The game plays way faster and more chars are viable now.

Al that is left in my opinion is to move all non-shield tanks to DPS with a rework and rework current tanks to be more big boi and present in fights and u have a really good competitive shooter.


And even more against it. The only polls I saw had about 28% of players quitting if it was implemented and about 63% saying it would decrease their enjoyment of the game. Only 23% said it would actually make them enjoy the game more.

So, overall, the feedback is mostly negative. I don’t think it will be implemented. Anecdotally, I have also seen far more comments and posts against it than for it. But it’s not like I have an official count or anything.

Yes, but not as a main mode, it’s likely they add it to the arcade


I also have to point out. While this experiment is going on. The only time I had problems connecting to a normal QP/MH game, was the first hour of EXP coming out. After that point my que numbers never changed or increased. That shows that the people who actually played the mode. Didn’t offset nothing in a huge way. So either people got bored of it fast. Or it had a huge amount of people not play it at all.

Reading your post made me sing ‘It’s a kind of magic’. Numbers appearing magically.

The thing is, people who have it good do not come to the forums. Only the ones that complain.

Even on this forum i see more and more naysayers turning around and i still have to meet 1 person ingame that actually dislikes it.


I think this wasnt jeffs idea and hes just doing it to claim hes democratic

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Hi. My name is Lumin. I thought it was terrible and I’ll straight up never play tank or support again if it goes through.

Now you’ve met one.

It was a strawpoll. I know they aren’t scientific, but it had 460 responses, so it was a decent number of people responding.

Only people complain. Look at the q times

Q time doesn’t tell you aynthing

Ya this is your opinion. But to make it out like the majority is unhappy is something different.

460 is no where near enough to actually base a realistic view on a change.

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