Do you play competitive seriously?

I am curious, how many of you people actualy play competitive mode seriously? I mean on all your accounts.

After 18 seasons of comp i am starting to feel that i cant force myself to play comp seriously anymore. I mean i always had alts to play more for fun and not try hard to keep myself sane. But as I want to use only one account and stopped using alts completely, i am starting to feel burnt out. Losing my mind sometimes. Especialy when i want to play comp seriously and I have games being canceled after like 8 minutes of waoting. Or to have serious game where people play like humans and not the bots.

So yeah, game is making me tilted a lot lately as i am playing only on one account where i am trying my best. I am just tired of carrying morons who cant even group up or listen in voice chat…

I guess playing comp only to have fun will be better.


I just focus on improving regardless of what my teammates are doing. Not sure if that counts as taking it seriously or not. I try to win every game, so I guess yes.


I don’t play seriously anymore. I just try to have fun.


I think it counts as taking it seriously. What i feel is that if i care about win, i will get tilted because number of games where you will have retarded team mates is quite big. But you cannot play casualy and trying to climb at the same time. As in order to climb, every small decision matter and you have to be more focused, concentrated.

As i said, i was using alt accounts in past when I felt like i need to play for fun. But i decided to stop using them as i want to have all skins, stuff, achievements… Only on one account and not waste time on others.

But with only acc I face decision to play seriously to climb or dont care about it and play only for fun you know?

I am working every day 9 hours, i dont need to be tilted when i am relaxing in game. I would like to play seriously but not in system where individual is screwd by other team mates. I am tired of it. And sadly i dont really enjoy modes outside of comp. Only mode i can enjoy except normal comp is FFA where its all about me and my skill.

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Yeah, tbh, I get that feeling a lot. I find the best thing to do is to focus on just taking the best action at the time. Don’t think about winning or losing or previous fights or whatever, just go in, think about what you want to do, do it, and analyze after. If you’re SR goes down, just keep doing the same thing. The goal isn’t to have high SR, necessarily, it’s just to be good at the game. If you focus on the SR, typically, you move away from the actual game-to-game actions that make you improve.

So I just don’t focus on SR at all. Same idea really takes away the idea of smurfs, hackers, whatever. Always focus on trying to do what wins the match. If it doesn’t work, you just didn’t find the win condition, so gg go next. Sometimes playing like that means taking the best, wrong course of action. Supporting a feeding rein, for example. People are kinda stupid all the time, and making mistakes is an expectation, not something to avoid (not something that can BE avoided). Focusing on mistakes or other players keeps you from focusing on just playing the game.

And given, some games are unwinnable, some people are toxic, tilt is kind of unavoidable. If you start to get tilted after a game or two, stand up, take a breath, do a dozen pushups, sit back down, and just reset mentally. Easier said than done, but definitely doable.


Not everyone agrees this would be playing serious, but i want to improve on lucio. I’m going to play him regardless if he’s the right pick or not. I’m going to play him aggressively to get better at booping tanks and getting out dmg, and this will cause me to feed alot. Playing safe for the win could also be considered lazy and not playing serious.


I have the exact same issues actually. I’m a former try harder who doesn’t care anymore while only playing comp.
Every game I try to play seriously ends creating a full tilted guy.
Used to be a 3k8 off tank, playing without any form of soul in the middle of diamond rank right now.
I know that I’ll have an angry kid every 3 games, a former gold ana main boosted by Moira to diamond every 3 games, a duo DPS who doesn’t care every 2 games so what’s the point after all.
Just waiting for Blizzcon to decide if I’ll give Overwatch another shot or if I’ll give up and quit.


Half the roster is garbage and 3 heroes run the game.
I take competitive games seriously. This is not a competitive game, nor is comp a competitive mode.


Yeah if blizzcon will not give us something big to OW, i am going full "i dont care about anything in comp"mode or stop playing completely.


Playing ranked seriously gets you suspended because casual snowflakes false report you for suggesting “with a bossy tone” that your Junkrat should switch to a hitscan in order to counter the Pharah.
Therefore, the only solution is to play without caring for anything.

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I can’t, not anymore. The game is literal garbage right now so I quit playing comp on my main (and as a result the game in general, mostly). It makes me sad because I used to spend a lot of hours and put a lot of effort into trying to improve in this game. Actually managed to hit GM as a result. But a game I no longer enjoy is no longer worth investing time and effort in. Sometimes I will meme around on my throwaway smurf but that’s it. Hell even after that I have to take breaks.


To be fair, that’s a seperate issue: Pharah has zero place in this game. Frustrations she generates are entirely the fault of an extremely bad design decision. She needed reworked before Torb or Sym did.

Serious? Not really cause I know I’ll never reach top500 or anything. Do I try to win every game? Sure.

Tryharded to 2800 from inital bronze ranking on my main. Noticed that the community does not chance through the ranks. Dropped to low gold and play with friends not taking comp serious


Tsk tsk, calling your team mates the r word…

You should know by now that the sr system is perfect and that you are the same sr as these guys, you must be the same skill level.


Sorry, had to get that out.

I find that it helps to think of comp as a solo game where you’re up against six enemies and you have five bots that are supposedly trying to help you.

Eg, I’m an Orisa main and I’ve had a huge number of games where several dps are just constantly running past me to die.

Or where team just feeds all round even though I’ve indicated that I have super charger and to let me take point.

In this case I’ve got idiot bots. Their ai is set to just feed and chase frags rather than try to win the round.

Other tank players get idiot bots as well, but they just play Hog and Zarya and frag out, rather than try to tank.

You also get dps idiot bots, such as Widow playing into double barrier and killing nothing or the Sombra idiot bot. Their ai sets them to wander all around the map hacking health packs and leaving team in 5v6 all round until, 30 seconds from the end, they emp on point in a 1v6 as their team has just died in yet another 5v6.

So I just play for self-improvement. Had a game with a Sombra idiot bot where we got 70% of point, by some miracle, but enemy beat us in 30 seconds. Unwinnable game. No point getting tilted. Just thinking how I could pad my stats and get more medals.

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I’ve made my peace with throwing.

Yeah, I admit it. If I see my team cluelessly feeding the enemy within the first two minutes, I’m out. I’ll take the most crappiest hero in my role and do some wild stuff.

Why, you ask? Because playing as a carry exponentially sucks the energy out of you. It is very, VERY exhausting to play top notch in your respective bracket, while being handicapped by low performers. the cost-benefit-ratio just isn’t worth it.

If I see two or three players in my team, that don’t know what to do or are actively trolling, it is even more exhausting to play for a win.

That’s not competetive. It’s casual idiot lottery. In a competetive atmosphere, everyone would be ambitious and focused on winning, but in Overwatch the majority of people is just casually trolling and “hAvInG fUn”.

So I’m saving my energy for games, where everyone has the same mindset (wich is about 1/4 of all games).

I admit that my SR is stalling in gold. But hey, at least I’m reducing my risk of a stroke or heart attack. Play safe!


I do, but I’m definitely losing my mind with all the smurfs and throwers.


Its ment for solo q. But the game should be ment for teams

On both my accounts, I play Comp semi-seriously. I try, but I don’t force myself or anyone else to go meta.

Despite the chaos of the system and autoimmune disease that makes me feel exhausted all the time, I play seriously on my main account and two accounts for tuneups if I realize I forgot how to play a hero. I do reach that stage of burnout, but end up having feelings of taking complete control of the current match and matches after that.

Last night, dragged my team to the victory screen with this feeling of hysteria as Mercy on Temple of Anubis with little time left to attack. Popped the enemy team like a zit because they thought we gave up.

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