Do YOU know why no one wants to play "Tanks"? I DO!

I don’t want to Rein or Orisa anymore as Sigma is such a beast.

I’d played him for 2 minutes in skirmish and was planning to practice in QP. But in one game my team was plain refusing to stay behind my barrier, so I tried Sigma as we were going to lose anyway.

Played him for circa 10 minutes in comp. Guy’s a beast. Super good dps with super generous hit box. Rock throw is great. Void hand is awesome.

Dragged it to a 3-3 draw in the end.

Only thing I fell down on is using his ult. Need to try it in the range.

Still did better than with Orisa or Rein as my team just bonkers feeders.

Also need to pick up Hammond. Got wrecked by a Hammond and Dva comp today. So much damage. The Hammond was a wee beast.

My Orisa was ineffectual as, yet again, team just ran ahead and never used my barrier.

I love Hammond and I wish more people understood this… its super rare to get a team that understands that after I go in the enemy has probably blown many/all of their cooldowns trying to kill me which leaves them open for whatever.

Want to know what happens to dive tanks around 2500? We get the other team to burn everything… CCs, Ults… cause their positioning to be all screwed up. Then we get out safely and see our team standing back at the choke 5v1 an Orisa, or we die and see our team standing back at the choke 5v1 an Orisa.

Tanks are insanely fun when you get dps and heals that back you up.


I used to love DVa but now she just feels like a chore to play. Even more so now that there are Syms EVERYWHERE.

Who would ever play this? Might as well play a speed bump and go afk

What would you do with hog?

I just want the sigma barrier to move its startup time to when he breaks it himself that would make the shield so much more fun to use

It like they were going for brownie points from the old sym mains but the left out the best part of the old barrier

Shields are too strong and armour is too weak.

It’s no fun shooting a shield for it to regenerate a second later but at the same time, if you don’t have a shield or two in your team then you die in a second.

Tanks and damage needs a massive rebalance.

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Tanks do NOT need a damage buff. Tank damage is so high that there was an entire meta where DPS were practically non-existent because tanks could kill just as well with way more health.

Hammond is one of the most fun characters in the game.
Few things is as satisfying to smack people out of the map with Winston.

So just go dive, problem solved.

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Lol, are you trying to drive people away from playing tanks?

Winston does not do too much damage.

Zarya’s beam requires a degree of aim, you want to make tanks require no aim?

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I read this post as just “I don’t know how to play tank”.


They absolutely are tanks. Winston creates massive amounts of space with his shield and his ult, Zarya can assist people with bubbles and has one of the best ults in the game, and D.Va has matrix which made her a meta staple for a long time? Blowing cooldowns etc is dependent on your rank, but at high ranks these players know how to manage them.

Which is the distinction between main and off tank.

the difference between main and offtank is the first one takes space, the second one reinforces the first by punishing overextended pokes.


Most people hate playing tanks because they see their team make little use of anything they do. Also if you play rein or orissa you rely on your team to protect you as you protect them.

The other side is how little people utilize tanks. I play between 1800 - 2200 mostly as a tank. I can give 2 examples of most of my solo queue games as orissa / hammond.

Orissa, 6 /10 games you have most of your dps playing outside of your shield and doing little peeling for you. You also end up with healers like lucio / brig together. Which gives very little burst to keep you alive. Making you swap and play a hero with self survivability.

So you pick hammond, call out your slams and initiations. To see your team not following up on anything.

I understand all roles have this same problem. It just feels emphasized as a tank because if your team does not play around the tanks then you are basically just playing a beefy dps.


Yes, offtank complements the main tank and peels too.

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I don’t mind playing tanks. The issue isn’t Tanks Dps or Healing it’s people inability to counter the opposition and 2-2-2 doesn’t solve this problem. Nothing ever will as it require the player to switch and people have favourites they always like to play. Which is fine but people can’t then complain about losing or not being able to climb.

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I do too! They are boring as f…

Yea… ummm… this post reeks with inaccurate statements.

Reinhardt…The hammer literally swings in a 180 degree cone in front of him hitting everything. His shield regens at a great pace. And if placed correctly his earthshatter can utterly decimate an enemy team.

Roadhog…That damn hook is nasty as hell. It can outright cancel someones ult saving your whole team from death. plus his self healing is off the charts.

Dva…Dva bomb although can be blocked by the rein shield can easily clench a team fight and her damage output is pretty respectable.

Zarya…Bruh her damage output right now is outright ridiculous. The straight beam damage is nuts her shields can help your squishier dps get out of bad situations. Also her Graviton ult if comboed correctly can be some of the best in the game.

Winston…His damage is amazing his mobility is great for enemy team disruption and on the right map his ult is perfect for delaying the enemy from getting where they want to go or get some amazing knock offs.

Wrecking Ball… I … love… Hammond… his speed, his ability to utterly break through a nasty choke and his ultimate literally shuts off an entire portion where they enemy team can travel for a period of time.

Sigma…dude he is utterly crazy with his damage output. I have witnessed a Sigma completely one shot a squishy dps and 2 shot some of the beefier ones. His ult is great for delaying when you are in that clutch end of the match and you just need to delay the enemy team plus it is great to combo with ults like Torbjorns molten core or hanzos dragon.

So yea… in summary Tanks are fine you just need to know how to play them.

It’s more the main tank role that needs a change, offtanks have high dps and some high maneuverability which make them fun to play.
Personally I can’t play rein because I’m a very aggressive player and use charge too easily and I get too bored on Orisa just shooting continuously so yes playing main tank is like slamming my head against my keyboard. But any other tank I have great fun and usually have gold damage.

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My bug bear is watching my team run ahead of my barrier and get picked.

Or I’m advancing ahead and rest of my team decide they don’t like my route and go on a mad flank without me.

I’m starting to pick up off tanks as main tanking feels like trying to wrangle a horde of rats that just swarm all over the place.

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