Do YOU know why no one wants to play "Tanks"? I DO!

You can carry super hard on dva zarya and Winston. much harder than any of the other tanks. Zarya and dva are killing machines and Winston farms backlines of uncoordinated teams.

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I think the majority of tanks are fun. If you’re good with them anyway …

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I’ve found plenty of great tanks in 222, I play a few different ones myself and haven’t seen anyone complain. I tend to get teammates lower than my own SR and have been able to stay stable at high diamond. Tanks aren’t weak.

The real problem with tank queue is people insta locking roadhog every single game , and moira players trying to dps.

What is wrong with roadhog? In the higher ranks on console you get Orisa Sigma or Orisa Hog, mostly.

“in higher ranks…” , has private profile . I’m playing on 3200 and its always the same.

Roadhog is nasty if you have a good one, and if your healers are weak he is a good option considering he’s the only tank who can heal himself.

It’s only ever a problem if you have another off tank.

he isnt more a tank than a tracer with 600hp and selfheal. he is rarly with the team but off wandering by himself. yes he is a good hero but not what i consider a tank.
Tracer aint a tank just because she get the atention of the enemy backline

Roadhogs problem is that he has only one synergy with orisa. And i rather lose than play this boring broken garbage.

I disagree with you on most of this. For me, people hate playing tank because often times they’re given the illusion that they can do something, when in reality they simply don’t have enough damage to carry 100% of the time. That’s not necessarily a bad thing though.

A tank’s job isn’t necessarily to do damage, it’s to help create space, protect their team, etc. Zarya and Dva do this through matrix and pressure through damage. A tank/damage hybrid. Hog simply soaks up damage with his E ability and creates pressure/space through sightlines and damage, similar to a widow. Winston creates space by putting pressure on a team’s backline along with cleave damage through shields and such. Ball creates space through chaos with his constant booping and slamming, along with backline pressure. Rein and Orisa create space through frontline pressure.

A lot of players do not have the patience for this. It is team reliant a lot of times, you do have to babysit a lot of people many times, but saying that you can’t carry as tank isn’t exactly true. Shotcalling, focusing targets, calling when you are dropping/diving as winston, calling ultimate usage, creating space, clutching protection on teammates, that’s how you carry on tank.

I would like to see a buff to tanks against CC. I do agree with you that the term “tank” implies a certain amount of tanking to CC abilities and I think a lot of frustration people have with tanks also stems from the amount of abilities that screw tanks over (Doomfist, Sombra, Mei, etc), but that’s just imo.

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Maybe they could give him an ability where he throws his hammer and if it hits it’s a 1 shot? That would be hilarious (and probably broken)

D.Va needs the 2 second cool down for DM to drop to be a tank again. I loved being able to flash DM to support our team. After that nerf, I switch to heals.

A good Zarya is still very viable. She combos well with Sigma and is deadly when charged.

Sigma is a learning curve, so long as you use shield effectively, your team will stop being farmed by Widow. Dunno why D.Va got nerfed when Sigma can also eat ults.

Orisa as much as I love her, needs a nerf to shield. Bunker comp every game makes OW boring.

Winston is the opposite of Orisa, his bubble needs a buff. May as well be made of paper.

Roadhog is a DPS with fat pools of health.

Ball either feeds or is a good counter to bunker knocking the enemy out of position.

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They should make Dva’s DM a toggle again (no cooldown).

She was a tank that a lot of people willingly played.

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Yeah I really miss the old DM. It has taken so many nerfs for the past 2 years it’s ridiculous.

all three of these can solo carry

l u l

yes this

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People want Them to tank without being broken :slight_smile:

Because no one wants to play tank. You can play tank to fill that role. Thanks…

Hopefully when some dps nerfs come through (previously they couldn’t because of GOATS in OWL) to heroes like mei, doomfist, hanzo and repear…then tanking will be more fun and more people like play it


Your trolling aside, absolutely.

An aimbot can be coded or had for a few dollars. A main tank? Good buying or creating something that creates “space” and coordinates with the team for a few dollars.

I hate it SO MUCH when i go to nade the enemy team and someone from my team strafes or jumps in front of me