Do you guys notice any rigging?

At the end of the day, it’s 12 humans (usually lol) who play the matches, not the ai


The “forced 50/50” complaints make me chuckle. Yes, if you’re accurately at your current rank, you’re going to win 50% of your matches. That’s just basic statistics; Blizzard doesn’t have to do anything special. If you’re winning or losing significantly more than 50% of the time, then you’re either not at your correct rank, or you’re so good or bad at the game that it’s having trouble finding fair matches for you.


None whatsoever.

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Well, thats a lot of it in reality. OW is a team game that does everything in its power to undermine that. We might finally be getting clans, finally something that should have come in during the end of year 1.

[quote=“ȐĔPĻĀŸŜ-1704, post:40, topic:608011, full:true”]

In ranked both SR and MMR are used.

This is why you had those weird cases of T500 games where there would be a gold player.

They weren’t “gold” there MMR was still 4k+ they have just found a workaround to derank SR quicker than their MMR would adjust.


That would be so obvious if it was true, which it clearly isn’t.


Happens in professional sports all the time. Humans are human.

Overwatch is a game where mistakes can snowball quickly.


Your ȐĔƆƐĨPŦŜ sock (alt account), the same SR, started posting when you stopped on ȐĔƆƐĨPŦŜ you even use the same type of letters. Even your heals in QP have around 50% of what the average is in bronze… which is the same as how you play on ȐĔƆƐĨPŦŜ.

Mate, if you were trying to prove anything,
all credibility for you is gone. Manipulating people with socks is low-tier and untrustworthy how can anyone trust what you write when you’ve now proven you’ll even cheat to prove your point? Hey at least if you make 14 more accounts you can upvote your OP another 14 times… so you can get the most likes on the thread.

Now if you’re trolling you’ve probably had a lot of fun winding people up. GG. That said from the way you write and react to stuff (hiding profiles, altering posts because a counterpoint is so strong) I think you actually are trying to prove this stuff. The worse thing is the way you act has debunked everything you’ve done so far.


Bro, ȐĔƆƐĨPŦŜ… You’ve straight up outed yourself and you’re honestly just desperate to grasp at straws and blame everyone except yourself for your poor performance.

When are you going to admit that maybe competitive FPS gaming isn’t for you? Not everyone gets to be an OWL player who makes $80,000/yr playing video games.

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This reminds me of the PSA commercial on drunk driving.

‘Friends don’t let friends drive drunk’


Hard-Stucks don’t spread dysentery to other Hard-Stucks…

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Do you solo queue op?

I will quote myself from this thread: Activision Patent to Manipulate Matchmaking - #141 by anon13691246

But as a long-time player across multiple SR levels (from low Gold to low Diamond, even a brief stint in Silver when the MM was particularly nasty), I can tell you for certain, that something is wrong. As a high-Plat player with forays into Diamond, it feels completely off, if I can’t reliably win matches in low Gold.

Let the GM play 2-4 games in Bronze, and you will see him matched against one or more smurfs and his teammates dump in quality, until he is evened out. That will be repeated again and again, all the way up. Sure, he will climb over time, especially with that extreme a skill gap, but it will be a long and hard journey. That is how Blizzard’s MM creates “even matches”.

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Why not drop MMR completely and then instead just grab 12 random players from an SR range? Let’s say as an example the anchor point is 2500 SR and the range is +/- 50 SR (if that doesn’t work, then widen the field to 75 or 100).
Players in that range - especially 50 - are so close, that they are effectively equal - or should be. Those that are not, will quickly drop or rise.

Instead the MM jumps through hoops to create “even” matches in a number of ways that makes it hard for a skilled player to climb. Surely to amongst other counter boosters and smurfs (but I assume there is also systems that make your games easier when you lose alot (and vice-versa) - a feel-good system). But the effect is just that these players stay longer in the low Elos than they should, to the detriment of game quality there.
Other systems should take care of them, instead of trashing the MM with what I can only assume is such a complexity of variables, that the devs themselves don’t fully understand it anymore.

They absolutely rig games. I forgot the article/interview, but someone was talking about how it’s part of the business model. They intentionally put you in games you’re more likely to lose after you win enough so you’ll either play more to get better or try to, hopefully, buy a skin that your competitor had. It isn’t new and especially happens in casual/qp.


And let me quote the reply.

Nano seconds you say? Lets show you why matchmakers are not as simple as you think they are.

You have 12 people to get into a game, say, you have 1000 people queued, that means you have 9e+35 combinations… (well, actually more, if someone queues for more than one role) - on a 4gz processor, if doing all of the calculations for checking a combo only took one cycle, you would take 10e19 years, Or very roughly, one year for every single grain of sand in all of the worlds beaches.

What matchmakers are doing is using various shortcuts to cut down those possibilities, without throwing out good answers, that branch of computer science is specialized and hard.

Sure, it is easy to speed it up by orders of 1000 or more, but that isn’t enough, hell, it isn’t even close…

Yep, something is in Blizzards one. Mostly it has to do with unbalanced amounts of people in roles. As people end up queueing for longer, the “cost” of to put them in a match changes, so you end up trading off good matches for getting people into them who have been waiting too long.

Anyway, what looks like an easy thing is actually a crazy hard problem and FULL of tradeoffs.

I’m actually happy to talk shop on how we go about doing this, but, it isn’t NEARLY as easy as it sounds.

How does the matchmaker know if someone is smurfing?

Well yeah, how else will the characters move around? They need to be rigged in order to be animated.

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You can’t just list patents and pretend that’s a valid summary of the content that’s in there.
There’s a lot more information and incredibly difficult to interpret.
Hardly anything substantive can be derived from these documents.

At this point you’ll just have to take my word for it, I started these kind of threads in mid 2017 when people were being called flat earthers on the forum for talking bad about matchmaking.

Personally, I’m pretty convinced that the entire Overwatch experience is scripted to a shocking extent but I’m not prepared to prove all that myself or take the steps necessary to do so. I would imagine that the people who ran have some interesting information that they could share.

For those who can’t enjoy the game anymore because of the matchmaker, I recommend trying the following:

  • Play as passively as possible for one week without getting kicked out of the game for it.
  • Try being as friendly and nice as possible for one week.
  • Try to be as annoying and not nice as possible for one week without getting your account suspended.
  • Try to win as hard as you can for one week.

Play for 2 hours per day or more in all of these scenarios, but the same amount of time in all cases.
Closely inspect all of the players in your matches and track chat conversations and what they do in game.
At the end of each day, rate your gaming experience on quality / fun you had that day by giving it a value between 1 and 100.
Try to restrict yourself to 1-3 heroes for all of your games. For the experiment I recommend playing Lucio.

What kind of question is this? It’s as loaded a question as “Do your parents know you’re gay?”

There is no rigging. Plain and simple. There’s nothing to notice.

I do enjoy these kinds of tin foiling.

If you think this proves anything you’re being illogical.
The reason is you can’t disconnect your experience from reality (no human can)
Now you can get spreadsheets and monitor stats which is a little more objective, problem is you cannot eliminate your issues or measure them. (you probably havn’t done this)
Maybe you don’t really understand how the pace of each rank and when you change you playing like a high plat is throwing because you don’t enable it.
Maybe in low gold, you respect the space of low-skill tanks/dps making mistakes.
Maybe because you’ve been Diamond when you are in low gold you don’t try as hard because you think you’ll bring enough value.
No matter what you say you will have some of these issues and to some degree all of em…

Now the point is to consider these truths you say you’re “certain something is wrong” unless you are including yourself in that you are either close-minded or don’t understand the real issue.

The short is… You are not a machine so you will not play all games the same and it is impossible for you to eliminate your ego, lack of understanding, or how consistently you play.

I did read something that shows how illogical you’re being…

Game programming doesn’t even relate to this issue… it would be game design or systems design and you need 0 knowledge in programming to do those things.
Also, there are 12-year-olds programming games these days because it is a lot easier and has a low barrier to entry so it doesn’t mean anything related to this issue.

I bring this up because you mentioning that means you think it’s add credence to your argument… it doesn’t, it just shows that justify your opinion with your ego which is a trait of the close-minded.

Then I’ll highlight this…

It really speaks for itself… someone questioned your opinion and you’re asking if there is a blizzard of employees? WHAT? If they’re wrong, explain with clear logic why they are wrong … this kind of stuff is deflection and ego as well.

Either way, your evidence, and logic aren’t enough, and while YES you have some good point when someone gives you some context in a way that couldn’t be true instead of staying on the point you talk about how you are a programmer and want them to say they’re from blizzard or not… mate … that’s just closeminded.