Do you guys notice any rigging?

Apple patented moving car bumpers.

The next iPhone won’t be a car.

Just because something is patented doesn’t mean it will be used.

It’s just claiming you had the idea first so you can sue someone later that tires to use it.


If I’m reading what “SBMM” is from a cursory glance, then yes, Overwatch uses a form of SBMM that they call “MMR”. It’s in use in both competitive and non-competitive modes, but the tolerance levels in non-competitive modes are much higher so as to get you into a match more quickly. They’re also bucketed separately, so that your comp MMR doesn’t “bleed into” your non-comp MMR.

Most of the patents you list are ancillary things and what you’re really asking for is “does Overwatch has a ranking system”. The answer to that is yes.

EDIT: Also, to be clear, this is not traditionally called “rigging”. Rigging usually implies someone is trying to micromanage results on things other than skill, which is something that there’s no real evidence for in OW.


Conspiracy theories about the matchmaker abound, largely rooted in the feelings related to Dunning-Kruger effect (that is when people tend to overestimate their abilities at performing a certain task).

From what I’ve seen and experienced over the five years of playing Overwatch, I’ve come to believe that the matchmaker is a rather elegant and effective rating system. That is my opinion as a long time player and a software engineer.


There is no “rigging” in overwatch for a predetermined outcome.

You will OCCASSIONALLY be put into a higher MMR game if you’ve been doing well to see if your skill has improved to a point where you can be matched with and against higher MMR players.


Hi, I’m one of the friends. Sorry english isnt my language so i will try to explain. It seems the patents are trying to force close outcome. Maybe even one in chance or 50-50 one in chance. Sometimes they seem to be forcing other things like teamplay and hitsizes. Rigging seems like going word for that kind of forcing.

What about as competitor? Do you notice any rigging? If they are proud, why they not explain to show how it works? If too hard to explain, why it being used? Fair competition not supposed to interfere with matchmaking or use rigging? The patents make look not fair.

The dynamic of solo queue and stacks together in the same match feels rigged a lot of the time, but it is really just bad implementation for faster queue times.

Its been 5 years, give us solo queue already, jesus.

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I still have suspicions of in game rigging in Quick Play only.

It may be part of skill diversity in some Quick Play matches.

I noticed, in quick play, that if one team wins with huge margin of victory then the next game becomes harder for the winning team to win. They may be giving the losing team a slight “invisible” buff in damage or damage reduction that tips the game in favor of the losing team.

When it goes to game 3 it seems all the invisible buffs are taken away so both teams play on even programming.

I had many games were we absolutely OBLITERATED them in the first game, then in the second game we lose? HOW?! Then in the deciding 3rd game we OBLITERATE them again.

Of course, I have no actual proof of game rigging in Quick Play. It just feels that it may be…coincidence?

In competitive, I believe there is no game rigging at all.
It may just be in Quick Play games.

Stop being toxic and painting a picture with me having devil horns on. Nobody reasonable likes 2-5 minute games where one team steamrolls the other. It’s very boring one way and very frustrating one way. Nobody likes any games with uneven teams

Now that is an absolute braindead take on it. Mixing and matching lower tiered players with higher tiered players so that the teams’ averages are about the same is exactly what handicapped matchmaking is and since the default assumption is that the matchmaking saw that the teams were relatively even. “It’s just QP lool” would be even a bigger argument for the system being rigged

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They have. It’s made comp forums (and the OW forums as a whole) a mess full of conspiracy theories. Not moderating for accuracy/quality and not allowing people to downvote threads have really diluted the quality of posts here. Not to mention it’s usually the same 2-3 people spamming the same ancient threads as links, even on threads where it has nothing to do with the topic as a desperate “DONT FORGET ME! PLEASE GIVE ME ATTENTION!!” The worst one shows up on any number of extra accounts which are all very clearly from the same person or at least the same group of trolls. All you have to do is look at the pattern of language they use and the similarities on their profile names and it’s incredibly obvious.

And they wonder why the devs mostly ignore these forums, posting on reddit instead. After all why would they do it differently? They’d just get “LIAR!!!” Shouted at them if they told us every detail of how things worked but it didn’t back up the conspiracies.

Rigging? A lot if you group up. If you group up over 2 or 3 people the game only places you against smurfs or people who’s MMR is like a rank or two higher than your own actual rank.

Also earlier today I saw a video that proved that bronze players are pretty much destined to always be bronze unless they up their skills to at least a gold or plat level and even then it will take forever. What I am talking about is someone who was doing a bronze to GM stream and it took him 3 days with a 90% win rate to finally get out of bronze.

When someone asked him if he could see why some people would get hard stuck in bronze he replied that he could totally see it. If the person was really a silver player or even a low gold. It be almost impossible to get out of bronze without playing out of your mind every single day for every single match and even then it take forever to do it.

He was also playing on his best hero by the way. The one that is sitting in top 500 on his main account.

No, not in the least bit. It’s a mathematical algorithm, it doesn’t take sides or hold grudges.


It’s random. Sometimes you get a good team and sometimes you don’t. Most of your matches that are bad comes down to either not having good synergy with teammates or no verbal communication. That’s what happens when you join a group of randos.

These bizarre conspiracy theories don’t do anything for the community other than create division and further confusion.


I’ve never felt that the matches are rigged in anyway. The moment I feel that, I leave it.


But if algorithm is fixing match it is a rigged. Algorithm can use calculations to determine the odds and decide who is matched in before game start. This is not how competition system is working. Because random, naive, matchmaker algorithm is the one taking no sides using only natural SR for make. If use MMR it is a rigging system, yes? Why will there be MMR using if system competition is around SR.

I agree. They aren’t fun.

But they are nothing more than one team making bigger mistakes and being punished for it.

Not some BS about rigging or matchmakers or whatever someone wants to cry about today.

Again. It is quick play. SR does not = MMR. Their MMR’s were probably closer and they had groups so it made for a more varied match. Not rigging.


The only rig is 50% win rate. Even the devs stated that there is a 50 50 winrate system.


NO. They don’t.

If you have matched teams… you get a 50/50 chance of winning. So if there is a 50% win rate… match maker is working well. And it is up to you to pop off and win more games.


Man, just let me be.


I am. Just stop spreading BS conspiracies.

Just work being a better you in game and you will win more.


I think is correct but should decided by SR only. MMR not has purpose. Except because SR not good enough to rigging close match. For business. I do not wish matchmaker to use any data to choose team player. It should use SR ratio only winning. Clean system bad for business.

Competitive system rigged when things fixed with trail performance. It should unfair to choose who match against who based on analysis. Broken system not use random make match between small SR changes. It choose match and force odds byproduct. It is not good company who does this.