Do you guys notice any rigging?

I do enjoy these kinds of tin foiling.

If you think this proves anything you’re being illogical.
The reason is you can’t disconnect your experience from reality (no human can)
Now you can get spreadsheets and monitor stats which is a little more objective, problem is you cannot eliminate your issues or measure them. (you probably havn’t done this)
Maybe you don’t really understand how the pace of each rank and when you change you playing like a high plat is throwing because you don’t enable it.
Maybe in low gold, you respect the space of low-skill tanks/dps making mistakes.
Maybe because you’ve been Diamond when you are in low gold you don’t try as hard because you think you’ll bring enough value.
No matter what you say you will have some of these issues and to some degree all of em…

Now the point is to consider these truths you say you’re “certain something is wrong” unless you are including yourself in that you are either close-minded or don’t understand the real issue.

The short is… You are not a machine so you will not play all games the same and it is impossible for you to eliminate your ego, lack of understanding, or how consistently you play.

I did read something that shows how illogical you’re being…

Game programming doesn’t even relate to this issue… it would be game design or systems design and you need 0 knowledge in programming to do those things.
Also, there are 12-year-olds programming games these days because it is a lot easier and has a low barrier to entry so it doesn’t mean anything related to this issue.

I bring this up because you mentioning that means you think it’s add credence to your argument… it doesn’t, it just shows that justify your opinion with your ego which is a trait of the close-minded.

Then I’ll highlight this…

It really speaks for itself… someone questioned your opinion and you’re asking if there is a blizzard of employees? WHAT? If they’re wrong, explain with clear logic why they are wrong … this kind of stuff is deflection and ego as well.

Either way, your evidence, and logic aren’t enough, and while YES you have some good point when someone gives you some context in a way that couldn’t be true instead of staying on the point you talk about how you are a programmer and want them to say they’re from blizzard or not… mate … that’s just closeminded.