The title is quite self explanatory. And if so, why do we still hate Genji?
Yes, they think he’s op for some reason, even though he’s not. He’s balanced tho he could use a power shift.
Yes, Genji kills people, both in game and out, he started WWI, and he was the cause of the black plague.
At least according to the Forums
I feel like the general consensus is that he’s in a good spot but still reliant on his ultimate. There are people that say he’s OP and people who say he’s useless, but generally they don’t constitute the majority.
I hate him for being annoying but I don’t think he’s overpowered. :3 So my hate is for shallow reasons, nothing balance-related lol
I never hate Genji or any other heroes.
I hate those brainless self-centred Genji wannabes who think they are cool for playing him then throw tantram who they play him poorly into situations when Genji is not good at, then insist developers buff him when he’s fine as he is.
There are many other DPS heroes who need help more.
we is the chooser. I like genji since he is my fun. i hate genji because he shows me that fun requires skill. to that end genji is perfect to me. forward that to literally life. aka I need to write and create before my wisdom goes to rats
have fun but don’t be in elo hell choose to leave and become rank 1
Some people just really hate flankers I guess
I personally think he should be more like Doom/Tracer and have a weaker ult but stronger midfight
its a prescription. i like every character right now since the design is something I can understand now. I only dislike decrease.
At this point, as long as they’re not part of the hitscananigans going on, I’m fine with whatever hero we’re hating.
Have you read Genji posts?
Most people just don’t enjoy the character anymore since he is just a Bladebot at this point, they are not asking for buffs, they are asking for a kit rebalance.
It seems to me that you have read 2 out of hundreds of posts regarding Genji and thought that “that’s the Genji hivemind on the forums”.
And if you didn’t, this can apply to any other hero in the game, every hero will have people who are entitled and selfish playing him, but that doesn’t mean that if you play the hero you are entitled and selfish as well.
Most of us on the forums are asking for a power shift, not for buffs.
Ask for Genji buffs and weigh in the results.
I think the main reason is because nanoblade feels so unstoppable so often. I mean it is two ults and if you have the right combos you can counter it fine but on ladder… having counter combos is difficult.
The easiest one imo is Zarya solo graving the blade. It’s totaly worth it but yeah, I don’t see many Zarya doing that. they rather grav as many people as they can.
I think Genji is totally fine.
Genji mains who constantly post forum topics about how he’s total trash and needs buffs RIGHT NOW, however… Well, let’s just say I don’t have any warm fuzzies about that particular group of people. Especially since in the current meta, we’ve got a pretty big group of heroes who are actually trash at the moment.
I swear people are not even trying to read our posts.
If people would actually read what we are saying they would realize that we want to nerf nanoblade and buff his base kit, we don’t think that he is trash and we are not rushing it, we just want our hero to be balanced and fun, but I guess that it is too much to ask for.
I think people are just tired of seeing multiple genji threads all saying the exact same thing on the front page.
Genji mains have become the new Mercy mains.
I was just pointing it out, nothing more. The title is “Do we still hate Genji?”
Oh I understand, my bad.
But I guess it still applies since it is what a lot of people think around here.
Yes. Since the forums is in fact one single person with one single opinion, we do in fact hate Genji.
OH you’re looking for reddit, where any opinions against the hivemind are downvoted to oblivion