My statements point to a specific type of Genji players that:
think they are cool for playing him
throw tantram who they play him poorly into situations when Genji is not good at
insist developers buff him when he’s fine as he is
If you are not that type of Genji player then I don’t hate you. I applaud Genji players who use their brains, pick their fights to maximise their chances of winning, know when to retreat instead of feeding, etc. Those Genjis are dangerous and must be treated with respect or they will cut me into pieces before I can react.
So why would you react to my post if you are not that type of Genji players that I hate?
I don’t really like that deflect can be canceled, but as a whole, Genji isn’t too bad as far as balance goes. Most of all, I just really don’t like his ult. It always kills me. :c
I don’t think most of the hate is directed at genji as a character, more so the people who make threads begging for 30damage shurikens with 0.65 recovery without any nerfs to blade.
Yes, in that, they had a damn point, but are being ignored? Yes they are like the Mercy mains in that regard from back when she was on the front page all the time.
i still remember some genji mains saying that he was not busted at all after the 4 buffs…
sigh its not that i hate them but i am sick of them, every single have a genji, and since they added servers for the ME region there is even more of them, i still think he’s fine rn, he don’t need buffs or nerfs…
Because blizzard is balancing towards the pog blades rather than an assassin play style like he’s supposed to be. And ana god I hate ana for what she’s done to my mains (I main genji mercy and zen btw). Long story short non genji mains who hate genji probably hate him because of ana
I don’t think suggesting that all Genji players are like this just that specific type. Kinda like when people say they hate the holier than thou Tank/Support player. I agree, they’re really annoying, but this is just an irritating, noisy minority (like the Genjis) and no way representative of all of X group
I get it, but that wasn’t the question they were asked to answer, saying that you don’t like the bad people in a group when asked about the whole group doesn’t add a lot of value to the discussion, if I had a game with a bad mercy, I’m not going to post it in a thread about why there is hate towards mercy, that one bad game had nothing to do with the hero but rather with the person.
Don’t you know that he’s the most OP hero in the game? What’s that? He’s actually kinda easy to counter? That can’t be, I get killed by him literally all the time! He’s got an insanely bloated and overpowered kit, he can kill any squishy instantly by hitting a very specific and difficult combo and can wipe entire teams with an ult that requires another ult to be effective! Well yeah, I know Lucio and Zen counter his ult, even basic CC can, but… um… uh… have you tried being a Sym main? SYM IS BAD EVERYONE, I NEED TO TELL EVERYONE FOR THE 10TH TIME TODAY.
If anything I think their answer is actually more relevant than most… they don’t hate the hero, they don’t hate those that play him, they just dislike a specific group.
Generally when I answer a question I also tend to add in some context, explanation, detail etc…
Funny because this is the reason I hate Genji, Genji is already a strong hero in the right hands, the fact they had the audacity to buff him at one point is what gets me mad.
yes they do, coz genji has too much mobility, has the gun of widow maker and one shots my supports, his ult on its own is god tier and I cant stop it or aim at him and thats completely broken because I am god and I should be to shut him down, and with nano, genji just presses alt f4 for me like man what I am supposed to do, nerf this abomination Jeff I am totally not entilted and I genuinely am a god at this game and feel like this hero should get deleted or nerfed because me and other people struggle agqainst him, i mean dude DID YOU SEE HIS STATS. ITS CRAZY HIGH.