Do we just hate everything now?

yes because Blizzard is not trying anymore

+1 for positivism.

Thank You, winespinster.

Don’t forget the new cinematics.

(I like the cinematics, though.)

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they’ve done a ton to balance the game. The last 2 PTR patches have contained a lot of changes to heroes including almost all the supports, the snipers, hitscan DPS, Zarya and Reinhardt.

Balance wise things are great – people complain about Sombra but she will definitely be played more once the World Cup shows how good she actually is. Symmetra is sketchy but again I think it’s simply because she takes a lot of thinking to use correctly. Some heroes just won’t be good without teamwork because of the way they’re designed.

There’s a Torb rework coming soon and overall it seems like the devs are more willing to tinker with heroes more frequently than before.

We just had a new roster addition so none are coming soon, and honestly I don’t know why people were so upset over Summer Games. I thought they wouldn’t even bother including it this year, and there’s no use getting upset over what we don’t know – which is whether or not Halloween will change drastically this year.

I think it’s just a lot of whining about nothing really.

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Yes, i agree.

In the meanwhile, please allow me to highlight this thread which got lost in the mire of the rank negativism and self-centeredness which has drowned this forum.

I am kinda bumping it for as long as i can because it is just so sincere and thoughtful.

As another poster said, “The World Could Always Use More Heroes.”

Positive posts are ignored. I just made one in the last half hour. Instantly lost in the flood. They just want to whine. And it’s not the first time a positive post of mine has done that.

People hate Hammond? I have barley seen anyone talking about him since the patch, it’s like everyone forgot he’s in the game…

And well. The worst event followed by the worst cinematic. Not exactly what people hopped for so yeah, the mood seems to be a bit grumpy right now.

I don’t think anyone hates the new maps? It’s way too early to have an opinion.

I came here for the salt.
They are much better than Trump’s twitter feed.

The things you see in there