Do Sombra mains even like the announced changes?

What would your opinion be if they didn’t compensate nerf her, but kept the infinite duration?

In lower tiers your dont have the urgency to optimize her flanks as much. You can probably get away by spawn camping some supports. But this doesnt work once you get into higher ranks where they know how to counter her.

It’s not, because the durations we had in almost any circumstances were more than adequate.

I can point you to posts from when TL had a 15s duration and people wanted the ability to move it to show you how useless infinite TL actually is.

I can point you to people complaining that 20s would be too long when it was increased.

Movement speed is still super-critical in lower end play, it’s why D.Va is still massively popular there.

Well that, and because she’s a cute Korean gamer that appeals to almost everyone. except me.

I mean the recent changes MASSIVELY helped Ana.

They only seem minor because the power gulf between Mercy/Zen and any other healers in a Sniper meta is essentially insurmountable.

No point for Moira or Ana’s high throughput when they can’t outheal a OHK.

I have came to the conclusion that they don’t just know things we don’t, they simply shape the game the way they want regardless what the community thinks.

They stated it clearly in the latest interview about Brigitte. They knew the meta that was coming, they wanted it, they pushed it through.

It doesn’t matter what Sombra players want, or any x mains want in that matter.

If by any luck our demands are alike theirs, then our ‘wishes are listened’. It is simple as that. Their game, their rules. We gave the money, that’s it.


I dont know. I’m just assuming it makes her easier because the entire time management skill set you need to play her is removed.

I feel that it would make her seem easier, but in reality make her harder, as it makes it easier to do nothing.

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Honestly, for contesting, it’s easily enough broken on damage that it wouldn’t be a big deal and otherwise she wouldn’t end up using it for so much significantly longer that it would be a problem for mobility.

As is, she’s straight up the worst hero in the game by a not insignificant margin; and her weaknesses are mainly driven by a lack of capability while in-combat, and this certainly wouln’t help with that.


So you’re gonna come here, ignore sombra pros, master and gm players, the million threads, the general discomfort and pretend you know more than them
Got it.


I think they are being too precautious. They should fix the rest of the bugs remove the compensation nerfs, and slap her on the PTR and see how that goes.

If you can explain how either of those things contribute to outcomes that benefit Sombra and her team, I’m listening.

The problem for Sombra right now isn’t that her stealth is too short, it’s that is unreliable, takes too long to enter and exit and that she is weak overall even against heroes limited to only their primary fire.

Imagine you want to go and hack the health packs around the enemy to give them a disadvantage and your guys an advantage. You can’t do that while someone is around there. What do you do with stealth on a timer when someone is standing by the health pack when you’re going there? Run away, wait for it to come off CD, try again until you can finally hack that thing? That would waste more time “doing nothing” than waiting in stealth for when you safely can do the thing you set out to do.
A more strategic and purposeful usage to me makes more sense than to just running around trying to do something all the time, since she isn’t even that good at killing stuff to begin with. That’s what it feels like they want Sombra to be.

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I do think infinite stealth contest would be busted, but i’d rather keep the contest than the infinite duration. If they want to make stealth more forgiving, just increase the duration a bit so you dont have to nerf it in return.


They are only there for convenience. They do not buff her at all. It is purely QoL, with more significant nerfs.

The point is a finite area, and stealth is broken on 1 damage. I think they should test it and make changes accordingly. That’s what the ptr is for isn’t it?

Other than Volskaya A, I can’t think of another point large enough where she could effectively try to evade while stealthed while contesting. It’s a tough job even there.

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Sombra mains: we need Hack being more visible!

Blizzard: here goes your infinite insivibility and translocator duration! And oh! The insibility speed is now cut!

Sombra mains: what the…

Pretty much this.

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I would be able to force the enemy team to defend on point which is impossible to hold. It would make her a must pick on certain maps.

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