I’ve just posted a thread with my ideas for how to do this specifically. Both tank and support players are affected, 1-3-2 isn’t forced, and the adverse consequences I could foresee I’ve targeted with changes to other heroes.
One thing is clear - this role queue thing is raising issues and there is no solution that doesn’t raise issues.
Mei’s Yeti Hunt did have a system in place where playing games as hunters gave you priority when you queued for Yeti, by the way, the issue with adding that kind of system to the DPS queue is that it increases the queue time for non-priority players even further (and they are quite long already, especially at high ranks)
You may say “well boo hoo, maybe spend that time playing a game of tank” or “well, you aren’t flexing, you deserve a longer queue” - but people are going whine and moan and “quit overwatch” anyway.
I’m not suggesting any of this nonsense.
Maybe I was in the wrong section of the forum all along. I’ll keep the commentary to a minimum as this is a long post but I can clarify my reasoning subsequently.
Long queue times for many players
Lacking fun for the necessary number of tank and support slots
Reinhardt’s domination of the tank role and/or double shield
Heroes who are chronically not competitive
Reduced variety/diversity
a) Allowing three damage heroes per team,
b) without forcing a constant 1-3-2 co…