Do people not understand why dps queues are long?

The queue with the most players in it will be the longest. I keep seeing people say that they have a right to play what they think is fun and that queue times for dps are unacceptable.

I :100: agree that they should get to play what they want. It’s one of the reasons I was so excited about role queue. It was discouraging to see people have to be guilt tripped into play roles they didn’t like at the beginning of every game. So yeah, dps players should get to play what they want, but they also should understand that there are trade offs to choices. They are choosing to only play the most popular role. It’s sort of stupid to complain that waits are long… waits are long because everyone else is stubbornly doing the same thing you are.


I find it hilarious that that people somehow think everything is supposed to work for everyone equally. Listen, I am an INTJ, I love idealism, but that’s not the way it works kiddos


I’m a ENFJ and I just want everyone to get along :sweat_smile: And also hang out because I am a social vampire.


We understand why the Q times are high but what we are saying is that its still pretty bad and that it needs big improvement. If I have 3 hours to play after a long day its not right that I should be spending over a third of that time waiting / doing nothing.

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What makes you say this isn’t right? You are choosing to play a role that’s over crowded, so the line is longer. It’s not a morality thing, it’s a logistics thing. Sometimes I want to shop at the nicer grocery place by my apartment, but the lines are longer. On days I don’t have time I settle for the less popular grocery store because I don’t want to wait.

And then I am sad because it doesn’t have a nut grinding station where I can get cool fresh almond butter :frowning:


On Xbox, queue times for fresh almond butter are at least 10+ mins.

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Aren’t ENFJ’s the ones who love to chase us INTJ’s around like we are their pets/projects!?

It’s not that we want pet projects, ENFJs just like INTJs. It’s irritating to be around people who think that being loud means you’re thoughtless. And we share the “Oh my god, it’s not that complicated of a concept, why am I surrounded by idiots?!?” thing.

You just gotta be careful not to try to make your more quite friends “more assertive” or try to make them act more like you.

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oh my god you get me

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You can’t have your cake and eat it too.


Totally unrelated, my discord is InquisitiveChild#7089 if you ever want to duo.

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Totally related, I added you!

I am usually on 4 or 5 times a week for a few hours. Can do QP or comp or whatever mode. Also have many other games.

Hopefully my Moira will not disappoint.

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Cool, I am also on 5ish days a week. I hope my motley group of mains doesn’t disappoint!


Because the game runs on computer systems and auto-servers they think everything is gonna be perfect.

Amount of threads I encounter about role queue and match times are actually hilarious. It’s like no one in the game watch the developer updates to the full extent.


The matchmaker was heavily modified before the introduction of role queue, presumably to minimise the predicted long queue times problem. People immediately complained about being matched with people far from their own SR. As previously stated, you have to compromise. You can’t expect exclusive rights to something (e.g. exclusive rights to playing DPS in your team) and expect nothing else to change.

Anyone who takes notice of what the developers post and put in dev update videos knows they are working on reducing the problem. But nooooooo, baby wants his toy NOW!. “Blizzard are terrible at their job, don’t care about the game, don’t know how to code better than a five year old, and are just in it for the cash”. (Yes, I’ve seen all of those assertions on this forum.)


It amazes me how many people still dont understand that the complains are not about the DPS queues being long. To this day :rofl:

The problem is that the game shifted DRAMATICALLY without giving choices. Anyone who clicks on the DPS queue will get those times.

Flex players do NOT deserve long DPS queues.

Repeat for truth with me again:
Flex players do NOT deserve long DPS queues.

If someone plays the 3 roles everytime, on rotation, the game SHOULD give them priority. Also the game does poorly educating players on versatility and punishing the lack of it (or queueing multiple times for the same overcrowded role) so yeah, thats the whole point.


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I mean, Blizzard could always buff tanks and supports. Have been playing an climbing hugely as dps recently, and thanks and supports are just target practice. The only real threat is the enemy dps.

When you go the amusement park, you can ride the ferris wheel, the merry-go-round, or the roller coaster. You don’t have to wait long for the former two rides, but the line up for the roller coaster is huge. Of course you should expect to wait longer for the roller coaster.


I used this same example in another thread and people raged at me lol.

Whatever, you guys wait for the rollercoaster, I’m gonna be over here with the Support mains going round the merry-go-round all day.