Do people actually want Torb, Bastion, and Mei buffed?

Why people keep dictating what character we should play or not? I think that those topics of “X character doesn’t require skill” should be banned, it only contributes for flame and hate, look at how many YT that make videos trolling with Tobb or Sym, just because they are idiots it doesn’t mean that those characters are bad.

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BTW this guy is spamming “don’t buff Bastion” type posts. He gets ripped apart in all of them.

Or Bastion needs sentry reverted because ironclad was the biggest mistake they could have made for Bastion.

If he’s “boring” then make him interesting with a buff/rework how about that?

I found them really fun. Yeah they needs buffs coz they are bottom tier list.

Its only fun to play against tracer and genji guys … cuz skill

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pickrate, winrate, trends with both, experience on the hero, and support for changes is a lot more information than just low pickrates.

So keep a hero bad because they’re “annoying”. Genji’s annoying, Tracer’s annoying, Widow’s annoying, why aren’t they nerfed into and kept in F tier.

Genji and Tracer are annoying like flys. You swat at them and they’re just a pain to hit. Some of them bite, but for the most part their annoyance is just their general presence.

However, it’s very easy to make versions of Mei and Bastion that are annoying like a swarm of bees in your way. The mere idea of pushing into them is just bad as a whole, and you have to be very careful with every step, or just accept that you’re going to get stung and just hope that you end up pulling through regardless.

Winrates are largely irrelevant, otherwise Torb has always needed a nerf. We all know this.
Saying “trends with both” is really just repeating pickrate and winrate a second time. Doesn’t exactly bring anything new to the table.
The support comes directly from the other reasons and isn’t a reason by itself.

Only one I’ll give credit for is personal experience.

Yeah, they do deserve buffs, specifically Torbjorn requires a rework.

And no matter how many times you say unfun and cancer, they’re still easily some of the most difficult heroes to regularly play. Some people enjoy the character more than their SR and as of yet, it’s a heavy tax to pay just for the enjoyment of things like cosmetics and relatable characteristics.

The devs specifically mentioned at low pickrates high winrates can’t be trusted. The direction the winrate moves is more important than the number itself most of the time. If it keeps going up, that’s bad. If it keeps going down, that’s bad. Both for different reasons.

It’s the amount they’ve changed from what they were before and the direction they’re going.

And 2 megathreads and plenty of threads with lots of support on the old forums. There are also 2 polls on different Bastion buffs and one has just under 1k voters. That’s 1k people who think he needs some sort of change.

That would be better. I’m tired of Bastions just sitting in corners as if that’s a strategy.

I don’t want them buffed, I want them fixed!

Mei is almost okay. People for ages asked for two things:

  1. No damage fall-off for Icicle
  2. Cryo-freeze reload ammo

We get first one, maybe some day we will get second one and then Mei will be perfectly balanced hero, like an ideal example of balance.

For other heroes like Torb and Bastion - people don’t want buffs, they want these heroes to be viable. Even with buffs they will not be viable because they have giant flaws in their core design that prevent them from fitting into the whole ecosystem of the game. Because of that they don’t need buffs, they do need major reworks.

I don’t want Mei buffed just her ult to become more consistent.

I definitely do indeed want Mei buffed, Torb re-worked, and Bastion… I have no idea but make him exciting somehow and I’ll give you a pat on the back.

I’m retarded so i struggle against these heroes alot

I mean the sym rework failed in making symmetra any better so I hope they don’t get a sym styled rework

It removed a huge portion of Cancer Comp so it made the game better. Even if Symmetra is in need of some buffs this was 100% needed. Cancer needs to be gone from the game completely.

So if a Soldier stands still to shoot, is he now cancer? He’s basically a turret.