Do people actually want Torb, Bastion, and Mei buffed?

I usually think that this is a joke for chuckles and giggles, but when I see the Mega Threads of how to buff them, I realize people are actually serious.

People want the three most unfun heroes in the game to be buffed.

Read that as many times as possible and you while you realize how ridiculous it is, there are actuAlly people who think cancerous heroes belong in the game.


Your name suites you.


They all need reworked, not buffed


“I aM tOo Bad tO coUnTEr tHem, thEY ArE uNfUN To pLaY agaINsT”
Mei isn’t that bad
and for Torb and Bastion, people want to see some kind of rework, not just some ridiculous buffs


True, they need a Symmetra style Rework. Their entire kit needs to be reworked from the ground up.

What’s unfun to you is fun to me. I personally enjoy mowing people down, freezing them, hacking them, finding devilish places to put my turrets. In a way it makes me feel tanky when someone gets so hawk eyed at me and I take the brunt of a solo riptire while my team doesn’t have to worry about “triple kill!” or so they can focus on moving that payload, or when I keep red Mercy out of the fight for an extra 25 seconds because she’s THAT miffed I keep hacking and killing her.


I think it’s good for the game if every hero was in a playable and viable state. Nobody should have to go through the toxicity us Sym/Torb mains deal with, or that feeling when YOU are trying YOUR best but Johnny Dva over here is saying “hi :)))))” to the enemy because he gave up since you chose a hero he deemed trolly - and yet the team will blame YOU for making HIM throw.


Mei is my new main, so yeah. But theyre all very slippery slopes. They weirdly border OP and garbage.

“With every buff, comes nerf. With nerf, redemption.”


Mei yes, Torb is getting a rework so we don’t know what he’ll look like after that hoping he’ll at least be viable, and Bastion no I don’t really want him to be buffed he’s boring to play against and boring to have on your team

Well no hero should be in F tier


Basically there are a small number of people who want the game to be purely fun for them using lower skilled heroes while completely trolling and making the game a living hell for the enemy. It’s not very hard to counter these heroes but they are very annoying and buffing them would make it even more annoying


I want Bastion to be viable more than anything else in the universe. We’ve been at the bottom of the pickrate list for 18 months.

Put that 120 DPS Tank on



I have a Simple Question for you.

Have you played Bastion?

I mean no harm in this, but… Unless you put yourself in the shoes of someone who genuinely enjoys the hero, and wishes to have a balanced Fun Time playing said hero they enjoy, you probably cannot understand both points of view.

Everything is “Unfun” When you are only fighting Against It. -.-
If i had Never Played as Mei before, i would probably think that she’s a Stupidly easy Hero, who takes very little actual skill…

But i have played her, and she does take quite a bit of it.
She’s extremely punishable if you don’t manage her cooldowns correctly, and god forbid you place an icewall wrong… Even your own team could report you for a literal missclick.

My point is, Yes. Yes we do.

I now refer to the Bastion Mega thread, for those of you who are interested:
[💔 Bastion ISN’T being forgotten, he’s being ignored]


idkwtf you are on but Mei is fun.

smart mei is a cute grim reaper.
a noob mei is a free kill and ult fodder.


My favorite type of fun.


I want Bastion and Torb reworked for a net buff and I want Mei buffed with her current kit. The falloff change is perfect if it goes through, and her ult could use a little help too.


People look at their low pickrates and complain that they absolutely need to be buffed.

But they don’t really realize what buffing some of the most oppressive heroes actually mean. Like, Brig doesn’t come close to how much people would complain if Mei’s freeze or Bastion’s miniguns were in every other game.


mei doesnt need a rework.

she’s literally THE perfect model for any close quarters character.


I main torb, so yes I do. Better not touch his damage output though, if you go to training you can one shot training bots with the alt fire (especially if you head shot)

That phrase just makes my skin crawl. I’m imagining a bunch of stupid things like “Torb’s ult is he rides his turret around like a bucking bronco” and “Mei’s wall is now infinitely tall!”