Do people actually want Bastion viable?

The only reason Bastion got nerfed was because he was impossible to kill if Nano Boosted. He could quite literally survive through anything.

I think he needs Ironclad removed and his shield back from beta and he’d be in a good spot.

Bastion is trash in bronze too.

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DR was capped at 50%, don’t think this is a reason to keep his spread neutered anymore.


Depends. I had very stupid teammates at many times where there is bastion in the open and no one bother even shooting at it let alone when he is double shielded and mercy pocketed.

Sometimes you get a team of first weekers, and they’ll be potatoes against anything, it could have been a Torb or a Reaper. 99% of the time though? Bastion sucks in Bronze.

I never suggested that he is or that he should be…?

What the alien icon is trying to say is that being niche kind of sucks, just look at Orisa. You can’t play her without a deathpit or kart cheese.

Let me respectfully disagree.
You can play her anytime. She’s great!


But if your not in the payload in the first place you can supress fire the entire enemy team and they have to pass through your team to get you

Digging the enthusiasm, how’s the ult charge buff? I haven’t heard any one talk about it.

I’ve always been conservative with my ult usage so i can’t really tell. Although it’s a rather nice QoL

Ok, let’s try again … If he’s supposed to be situational hero, he’s then supposed not to be viable … :wink:

Situationnal doesn’t mean not viable.

Then every hero is viable.

calls other people stupid directly after demonstrating that you don’t know the difference between your and you’re


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What’s your point, then ?

Knowing your [word not allowed] and knowing you’re [word not allowed].

Do people play Sombra? Do those people want Sombra to be viable? Yes and Yes. I play Bastion, I want Bastion to be viable. I can complain about Sombra, I can say her hack is annoying and unfun and that I would like to see her not played at all. Not wanting Bastion to be viable is the other side of the same coin. You hate him, you don’t want to see him, its a pretty selfish attitude.

On a side note, If Sombra got a change so that she was practically unkillable during teamfights (which then broke the game), and the change was reverted, it would be ridiculous to say that Sombra shouldn’t be buffed because when she was viable the game was all Sombra all the time. This is what you are saying about Bastion.


I mean a significant cooldown. I wouldn’t mind it having spread reduced and that mode being way stronger for those 300 rounds, but with a significant (12 seconds) out to reload. I am convinced that Sentry Mode is holding him back, hard.

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She wasn’t unkillable, but her hack pretty much was… There was a video of a Tracer getting hacked during the middle of recall. Hack was pretty much guaranteed to be successful, which is why she was nerfed in the first place… Does that mean she shouldn’t get the chance to be viable because she was OP before? No, of course not… I’m with you, I don’t get people that say he was OP before, so he doesn’t deserve to be viable anymore…