Do people actually want Bastion viable?

This is a very bad argument. You can say this for pretty much everything.
“Mercy is not OP. Your team lacks target priority”

4.44 seconds, but that’s only because he hits every shot… He doesn’t hit anywhere near every shot on actual players, he has basically a forced 50% accuracy at ~25m because of his spread, and it gets a lot worse the further back you get… I had about 25% accuracy at 40 meters on a training bot while not touching my mouse (I bound shoot to J so I didn’t have to touch my mouse)

But they haven’t been able to make him viable without being op with that kit design that focuses on sentry mode. I’m not dying they can’t because I don’t know myself, but at some point he may need a rework instead.

That’s because they tried literally once, and then gave up… Yeah, he has a 100% fail rate with reworks, but that’s only because it’s 1/1. They didn’t work on him at all when everyone was saying 35% Ironclad was too much, they just pushed it to live and nerfed him shortly after without any consideration on what it would do to him. They should have either put him back on the PTR, or not released 35% Ironclad to begin with.

You specifically said your teamates were leaving him alone. So really, my argument is correct. Replace “Bastion” with “Mercy” and you’d agree with me. She was out in the open with no protection but nobody shot her.

you specifically said your teamates were stupid so IDK why you’re getting after me for something you were talking about (stupid teamates)

They keep not listening to us. Nobody wanted needed or asked for screwing up sentry’s damage and giving him an easily broken passive because damage resist makes healing more efficient.

It’s almost like people want all the characters offered in a game to be usable. Strange.


Cause surefour is a f***ing beast

I want viable bastion as much as I want every hero viable. What a stupid question.


I think Bastion just needs to get his personal shield back, like he originally had, while in sentry mode. He becomes static, stationary, an easy target for anyone with a long range attack. Also, his ultimate I think should change as well. It’s just not very good tbh. All it takes to completely negate his ultimate is for any reinhardt or orisa to put up a barrier, or DVA to absorb his shots. He does better DPS in sentry mode, problem is he’s immobile and too easy to kill.

For his ultimate, allow him to move at a reduced speed, without a 3 second transformation (suicide) time. That’s all.

That’s the case for pretty much every offensive ultimate.

Having no mobility in shooters = death sentence

I didn’t mean to say that they should rework him now, all I meant was how much would they need to change before realizing this build of bastion doesn’t work? I agree. They tried once, failed and ignored him after that. His kit is just hard to balance as is so I don’t know if buffs alone would work.

All I mean is that by adjusting how his current build works, he could still be trash. Maybe if devs think a rework would end up better they should do that instead of trial and erroring with his current kit.

Not if you can kill the enemy better. That’s how you balance out immobility. Notice how Hanzo is less agile than Genji? Notice how Hanzo does more damage than Genji?

True, they tried a “fix” that didn’t actually fix anything.

In-depth "Tank on E" rework for Bastion Here’s a rework for him. It’s basically what they’ve been doing to everyone else, but this one should be an improvement on what he is now. Not everyone is in favor of it, but quite a few people are from what I’ve seen so far. At least a version of it if not this one exactly.

As a sniper/Sombra player. Sure, let him be viable. I actually want that, it would make my games a lot easier.

Here is the thing: you have no control over your team and ppl in low elo lacks focus, this is what makes him so strong in that particular elo.

He can have a lot of impact if he has the chance and low elo is usually where he can shine because of that.

I don’t think that shining in low elo is something to be reconned with.

But he can be troubling there and that is exactly the problem with buffing him for high play.