Do Mercy players honestly think

Ideally there should be about equal reason to pick Mercy, Moira, Ana.

Giving Mercy only 1/3rd of her former “Marketshare” of pickrate.

So the idea that Mercy only lost 40% of her main-healer marketshare is probably lower than it should be.

Do I think? Does a submarine swim?

That’s if viability were the only factors contributing to pickrate, which we know from the tank meta to be false; Mercy had a higher pickrate than Ana when she was garbage tier in comparison to Ana.

But we all know that viability isn’t the only reason a hero has a high pickrate. Popularity and how much people enjoy playing said hero contributes as well.

50%. She dropped from 12% to 5% in Quickplay and 14% to 8% in competitive.

Many of those players probably left for Moira because of the garbage rework.

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But they gave her a rework when she didn’t need it, and was balanced & fun, instead of focusing on heroes like Torbjorn, Symmetra, Sombra, Hanzo, Ana, etc…
Makes me think they don’t have priorities.

Actually I think the real issue is that regardless of how good Ana is, a sniper healer is always going to have a higher skill requirement than low ranks can sustain.

Even when Ana was fantastic, she wasn’t picked much in Gold and below.

Moira though, requires very little aiming precision.

Torb was already an example of that. He’s not bad at all…but he just gets countered by like half the characters in the game.

I don’t see why they would. I am in agreement.

Mercy doesn’t need a rework, she feels much fairer to play with and against. I like the newer designs of ultimates, less impactful ones that just charge really quickly but can have a game changing effect. She’s also balanced, she’s been seen a healthy amount in the OWL so far.

There’s no need to rework her. idg how she’s not “fun”–nothing changed besides her kit not being op anymore. If she isn’t fun now she wasn’t fun before.

Yes she did, old rez hurt the game and wasn’t balanced. A lot of the time mercy players would often stop healing their team to hide and wait for them to die so they could rez and get potg. She definitely did need a rework but there’s no denying she’s in an awkward place right now

So much truth In one sentence

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