Do Mercy players honestly think

During her rework, I repeated over and over other heroes needed rework way more than her. She was fine, balance. All she needed was an ult nerf and a E ability.

Torb, Mei, Symm, Ana, Widow, Hanzo, Sombra, Doomfist… All of them are waiting for so long to be looked at but. NO. REWORK THE BALANCED HERO INSTEAD. Fkg stupid.


I didn’t think Symmetra could be countered more. Blizz proved me I was wrong… :joy:

I’ve been saying this forever. Whenever I heal she’s my go to healer and I love her play style and ult. Give other hero’s some attention mercy is in a downright awesome spot atm.

See you all later after this topic gets locked and sent to the mega prison thread.

This may sound callous, but purely from a business perspective pleasing the Mercy players is much more important for Blizzard than pleasing the Bastion or Torb players. There are way more Mercy mains than Torb/Bastion/Mei mains.

I don’t expect to see any changes on her until she becomes OP or UP. went through the same route. They only added the missiles cuz the DM needed changes.

Mercy is fine. Hope this ‘‘Mercy is boring and underpowered(she’s not)’’ whining stops soon.

And lost half of her playerbase.

She had the same before the rework, and that didn’t stop them from shoving aside other heroes so they could “fix” something that wasn’t broken.

You want a numerical justification?

Mercy lost roughly 7% of her playerbase in quickplay and 6% in competitive despite coming out about as balanced as she was going in.

Knowing how fast Blizzard comes out with needed changes for heroes (about 2 affected heroes every one and a half to two months) while also looking at the pickrates of the other heroes who need help, and one can comfortably say that changing Mercy in a positive way (that needs to be stressed because there’s about a 50% chance it’s going to go south again) is the quickest way to affect the largest portion of the playerbase in a positive way.

Bastion, Torbjorn, Sombra, Mei, Symmetra, and Doomfist all have pickrates below 1%. Hanzo has a 1.9% pickrate and Reaper has a 2.4% pickrate. While all of these heroes need changes, they are played by a small portion of the playerbase.

Suppose that these heroes receive the buffs they need and their pickrate doubles. Considering how slowly balancing patches are released, we can pick two of these heroes to be worked on for a two-month period. Picking both of the highest-pickrate heroes on that list, (Hanzo and Reaper), a buff would positively affect 8.6% of the playerbase. (2)(1.9) + (2)(2.4) = 8.6.

What if we replaced Hanzo in that patch with the Mercy playerbase that was lost because of the rework?

6 + (2)(2.4) = 10.8.

By making changes to Mercy first, they are positively affecting a larger portion of the playerbase.

I’m not saying that changes to other heroes aren’t needed; they have been for a long time. However, the developers need to fix what they broke rather than letting it sit for an unnecessarily long time.

Of course, none of this would be a problem if the developers moved faster than a snail riding a turtle.


No, I don’t want them to go back to the old Mercy. She is balanced the way she is now and a lot stronger(and more fun in my opinion).

@OP No, I hope they leave her like this. She is already good and fun.

No, and yes.

20 characters required.

Some do, some don’t. I’ve personally reached a point of not caring anymore. As long as GA remains untouched I can enjoy her.

Everyone has their own opinion, so I respect that this is yours.

I’m glad some people find her rework more fun than 1.0.

lol mercy mains aren’t more important than everyone else dude.

Well, also there’s a bit of a flaw in the reasoning. A lot of people only played Mercy when she was overpowered because they had to, or else it was auto-lose. By having those players switch to other healers, that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

Two, it assumes these people are highly attached to Mercy, even if they prefer to play other healers now.

Three, it assumes that is the many many people that play Mercy now, almost all of them really dislike her playstyle and only grudgingly play Mercy almost every chance they get.

I don’t think those assumptions are correct for the vast majority of current and former Mercy players.

Mercy is balanced guys we dont care if she’s fun. Fun is subjective right? So her mass res was a subjective ability that the community latched onto after Ana was dethroned. They stripped a main stay healer of a lot of her power so it was only a matter of time before they went for the next main stay healer.

Rather than give her the same pitfalls ALL ultimates have they decided a full rework was needed? Seriously almost every ult in the game required some form of LOS. Most were blockable by shields. The ults that were not LoS were slow moving ults (Dragon Strike) or gave vision (Infrared Sights). So why not give Mercy those staples first before a rework.

LoS her Ressurect. It made no since that she could just necromancer her team behind walls and barriers. Make her call out her ult than res her team, reaction time is everything so allow the enemy a window of opportunity. Reduce damage while she revives, dont make her impossible to counter/kill but dont make her easy fodder for ult charge. Valkyrie while a wonderful ability is just that, an ABILITY. It does not work as an ult point blank period. Spectating your team with the same healing you do outside of Valkyrie has no hero value. Valkyrie is an ultimate for a sidekick not a hero.

“I will watch over you” is not as commanding or terrifying as “Heroes never die”. No one cares if you’ll watch over them because they know a) they will die and there’s no one to give them a second chance or b) they can FINALLY press Q to win and dont have to worry about the ult economy regulator also pressing Q to win.

At any rate if they decide to do something about her boring state great but if not oh well. I dropped this hero long ago and honestly wont be playing her or any support for that matter. Ive learned this community would rather supports be sidekicks and personal healbots than the heroes they deserve to be.

So while the mass exodus of support mains continues, I do hope the many poorly looked after heroes get their fixes they need. I wouldn’t be surprised if they get the Mercy treatment too. Sombra has already enjoyed a small sample of what it is like to have a functional ability only to be stripped and made “balanced” at the expense of not fun to play against. A panic hotfix thrown live with no testing because pros were crying. Now her hack is broken, her player mains will be ignored in favor of “you just want to spam hack” arguments rather than real issues with hack’s LoS being interrupted for any littlething like light posts, bushes, debris or the slightest shift in frames that interrupts it; along with actual damage and spam damage. But dont worry guys she’s balanced and there are other heroes that need fixing right?

Keep telling Mercy mains they are entitled… because they never asked for what has happened and is still happening. I await the day they give Brigitte’s shield bash hitbox the Doomfist treatment btw. :smirk:


I see your reading comprehension is… bad.

Note: The 6-7% loss was the playerbase from before and after the rework. So no, none of that data is from when Mercy was a win condition.

That’s correct, but the reason they might prefer to play other heroes now is that Mercy was effectively removed and replaced.

Actually, it doesn’t. If it did, that 6 in the second equation would be a 14, and the total percentage helped would be 18.8%.

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You mean when Ana was trash tier, and Moira didn’t exist? By rights if Ana was better, Mercy should lose about 66% of her former pickrate. And that’s not a “problem”. That’s good design.

Or do you have actual global population numbers for all characters. Because I wasn’t aware that Blizzard ever published those.

Depends on how far back you look. Ana wasn’t trash tier until season 5, and was still seen quite often. Mercy’s pickrate remained about the same between seasons 4 and 5. In neither of those seasons was Mercy a win-condition; Ana’s pickrate dropped in season 5 as Dive arose, Mercy’s pickrate remained the same, and Lucio and Zenyatta’s pickrates rose. So where, really, did the Ana mains go?

Why’s that?

I’m referencing Overbuff and my memory of previous overwatch stats from Overbuff.

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As much as I didn’t care for the Mercy upheaval, she’s not in a terrible place at the moment and there’s other characters that need the dev’s more.

It’s easy to get lost in the trees. Sometimes it’s better to put a project away for a while and come back fresh rather than banging your head against the wall over and over in a non-productive way.

As a Mercy and D.Va player, I think she’s fine IMO. (Please don’t flame me.)

If you can aim good or have dumb/good luck (Unfortunately, I only have dumb luck.)
Your pistol can be very powerful if used correct, that delicious infinite ammo and mobility makes her a hard target to shoot as D.Va.

I only wanted to play Mercy because of the rework, I was a D.Va onetrick before her rework.