I think it is funny when people keep bring up the Hide-N-Rez method.
I think literally all players play with cautious when they got his or her ultimate. Of course the word cautious varies between each heroes, however, the content still stands as a Mercy who has Mass Resurrection will play less aggressive, and more passive.
I don’t think it was overpowered because Mercy’s overall kit wasn’t that overpowered.
It was when they introduced invulnerability to resurrect and the 1 second delay before she self-heals that she started to feel frustrating to play against because mass resurrect lost counterplay.
To stop most ultimates in the game:
You can find the enemy and kill them before they use it
You can stop/kill the enemy while they’re using it
You wait for them to finish the ultimate and then kill them
With Mercy, you couldn’t do #2. And with a mechanic that brings the enemy team back to life instantly without being able to stop it, it had less counterplay than any other ultimate in the game.
Moria and ana?
Every single mercy thread where i have stated that they could work as main healer i get attacked by people with mercy profile picks who state that they don’t work at all.
It’s not nice to lie, Mercy mains. In my down-time from OW, I watch clips that go all the way back to the very beginning of OW. Mercy, without fail, is always the #1 pick for any competitive team, and remained that way through every change. Now, though, she’s not a required pick and suddenly you’re acting as if you’ve been cheated. You haven’t been cheated; you’ve been readjusted in the meta, and now the other supports can team up without necessarily being yelled at to switch to Mercy.
(NOTE: Mercy is still the best consistent healer/damage buffer, by far, with a great ultimate and an amazing E ability that regularly shifts the tide in games, as opposed to Nano or Sound Barrier which can flop easily.)
This isn’t asking for a character that’s been neglected like Bastion or Mei to receive some big QOL changes to fix their position, this is entitlement. You feel entitled to be a required pick, and now that Mercy requires a modicum of team-playing or skill, you throw a fit. Kindly, please, adjust your expectations of how the rest of us feel to your incessant whining.
How about a compromise? We delete rez but also delete valk and give her a burst ultimate again like Zen or Lucio have. Furthermore we look into potential e-abilitys like Brawl suggested in this thread.