đŸ”¶ Discussion on Why I'm Against Hero Bans

It’s idea that, somehow, competes with 3/2/1 for “the worst OW idea of 2020”. What a great start of the year.

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Exactly this, and more. People can’t even group up properly up to higher ranks, you just can’t expect them to use the system for what it should be designed. It just won’t work in OW in it’s current form, expect for the pros.

If they announce hero bans then I’ll just outright uninstall the game because it’ll be a horrible thing for the game that would be fine if it just had a proper devs in charge of the balancing that has been really lackluster since release. Most of the changes have been good, but the quantity and quality ratio is very bad and if that is just being half-bakedly bandage “fixed” with hero bans then it just shows their incompetence in understanding how the game works and should be tweaked one way or another. I like the idea of banning throwpicks from OTPs or denying an OTP their main to gain a huge advantage, but banning throwpicks doesn’t even work because there’s always another throwpick to go for and if that OTP is on our team and the opponents ban their hero knowing that they’re an OTP then it’s just absolutely miserable

However I’m very optimistic about this and have a very strong feeling that they’re only looking into hero bans just because they’re never going to do it and just want to have a look to confirm that it’s absolutely not worth it and it’s just naive and dense players who are malding over meta picks who try to force this whole agenda to gain more attention towards it which is why I’m not going to have any discussion towards the horrible idea after posting this and recommend the same for others

General population is braindead. They blindly repeat the last thing they heard on Twitch/Youtube, without any thought of their own. And then forget it just as quick as it drifts away, because they have collective memory of a goldfish.

General population should never, under no circumstances, in any game whatsoever have direct control over experience and balance. Especially if said control extends to the gameplay of other people.


Instead, we’ll leave it to professionals. The one’s who take 6 months to a year to ever take care of “problem” heroes.

I’ll pass.

You don’t fix a problem by throwing another problem on top of it. Look at how well 2-2-2 worked out for fixing inadequate role proportions.

That’s assuming there is problem to begin with. We don’t have access to proper statistics to make even remotely accurate statements on balance.

You’re making a case that you feel 2-2-2 is bad, a decision made by the professionals, not the players.

Honestly what would fix this game is if they implemented a Competitive damage heroes only TDM and FFA. Wouldn’t need hero bans.

Lower DPS queues and people would be less toxic because the games biggest population can go play the way they want to.

Case is, 2-2-2 created a DPS queue problem. It’s an objective problem no matter how you spin it. It happened because 2-2-2 was plastered on top of another problem - overabundance of DPS - with no adequate solution.

Same will happen with bans. I don’t know about you, but I’m not up for heroes being perma-banned for 6 months after Blizz ****s up the balancing again.

Yep, that would be a good idea. Just dump part of DPS playerbase into their own mode. Too bad nobody bothered with it. We got glorious 1 lootbox instead -_-

We already know that the game won’t be perfectly balanced, and hero bans give us the band-aid required for when they do blunder the balance of the next hero.

I personally think hero bans should have come before role queue.

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Just make the hero banning before you see the other players and their profiles?

Yeah, you’d think that, but Jeff is gonna force it everywhere because the whole game has to revolve around OWL.

Well, DPS-only hero bans could work for lower ranks.

Do you only get to ban once at the beginning of the game? Or once per round in a multi-round match?

Where did I say it was wrong? That’s the players refusing to adapt to specific characters, not the game itself.

Or they were supposed to make it not role, but hero queue. You pre-select all heroes you want to play, one or multiple, and game tries to find you team, that will work with your hero choices.

This game’s matchmaker already has a hard enough time balancing SRs, I’d rather it not also be in control of that plus what you’re suggesting.

At least then, developers no longer will run into balance issues - only hero combinations they allow would exist.

I really want bans. It would fix a LOT.