đŸ”¶ Discussion on Why I'm Against Hero Bans

Banning orisa will effectively ban hog at the higher end of the ladder. She would probably be a top 3 candidate for bans since people dislike her so much.

Try playing Rein into mei reaper, or mei doom etc etc. It’s miserable, and under hero bans it would probably be your only option at the highest levels. Factor in defender’s advantage and you will potentially be in a situation where you have zero fun whilst playing and still lose horribly. If you have to attack a point into those oppresivley anti tank DPS who can only be handled by Orisa who gets banned, your next probable option is Rein, and what can he actually do there? Not a hell of a lot. He’s relying on his team to carry him at that point which is getting harder and harder to do as time goes on.

People in low rank will ban Orisa. People in high rank know and understand that if people actually attack the barrier, it vanishes in like 2 seconds. People in low rank literally ignore the barrier at least 80% of the time.

I also believe hero ban would be a total disaster for the game. Could and would probably make sense for Grand Masters and Pros, but anything else would just increase frustration and add another layer of randomness.

For one, most people I know and play with can’t play well that many heroes. Ban one of their two main picks and that’s already a huge disadvantage for the whole team. Ban their favorite hero consistently, they’ll just stop playing.

Secondly, let’s face it, below Master and probably even Grand Master, people just can’t figure out win conditions and synergies. The game is too complex as it is. Meta heroes of the moment would probably get banned every games, regardless of map, compositions and other factors. And when your mains are meta, well, back to first point.

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Let me guess, you don’t want people to ban your window, which will force you to play another hero. Hero ban should only be implemented for competitive game play like in every other esport game that has moba like characters.

If your main gets banned, you’re gonna have to learn a new hero. That’s pretty cool TBH, all the heroes are fun if you give them a chance.

Today it’s window, tomorrow it’s your main. With current meta, the system would benefit me. Next meta, maybe I won’t be able to play my favorite hero. Considering the time it takes Blizzard to balance things out, that would pretty much be it for me. Plain and simple.


Except you won’t. We’re what, 3 years into the game ? We already know what heroes we like and don’t, especially when it comes to support and tank lineups.


We don’t know how it will be implemented yet, so we cannot assume that heroes will be literally deleted.

We are talking about The Overwatch Development Team, of course they will have a brainstorming section and will see that it’s possible to have a hero ban meta, and will put systems im place so that cannot happen.

I don’t know how, but maybe you cannot vote on the same hero for 5 rounds?

Of course i will - i have hundreds of hours on various different heroes in all 3 roles. If any of them get banned, it’d barely affect me.

how does the game pick the person who makes the bans? could’nt you just troll and pick like torb or something :joy:

Good for you bud. Most of us don’t have that much time to dedicate to the game.
I put the hours I put into Overwatch into a collection of tanks and supports I like (Sigma, Hammond, Zarya, Rein, Brigitte, Ana for the most part). Especially if you’re a tank or support main, hero bans will hit HARD, especially with role queue too.

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If we only get one ban, I’m more likely to do map specific bans (like Bastion on Junkertown).

I don’t think it’s hero bans though. I’m hoping it’s something to help out groups finally. Maybe a clan system, or the ending of the separation of group queue and solo queue.

Yeah, i play all tanks and supports.

I agree, if Moira gets banned, it’ll certainly be tricky for Ana mains out there being harassed by Genji, but Brig/Lucio can potentially help out there.

I’m pretty sure i can handle my own if any of the tanks are banned though - Orisa can be covered by Rein or Sig.

What worries me is not one tank getting banned, but multiple (i.e. each team banning one, or God forbid each team getting more than one ban).
If one team bans Orisa and the other bans Reinhardt, congratulations it’s dive time. Except you can’t play dive because of Mei, Baptiste and Reaper lol.

Or banning something like Mercy invalidates a lot of other picks as well, like Pharah and to a lesser extent Ashe.

If hero bans are to come we need a lot more tanks and supports

We do hero bans in our clan’s in house scrims, and it’s not so bad.

We do one ban per team, and the first ban also acts as a “protect” because no other character can be banned in that category. I suspect, if it does happen, Blizzard will adopt a similar system.

Mind you in the in house scrims, it’s more often used to try and target the effectiveness of a specific player than to get rid of a character that people don’t like.

Here’s my big concern about one ban per team in solo queue
You’ll be seeing a massive increase in leavers as their hero gets banned (especially DPS players who will be in for a long queue time only to get Mei or Hanzo banned out from under them) and people sometimes spite-banning their own team’s picks (I can imagine this happening a lot with Wrecking Ball or Widowmaker at lower ranks).
And any more than one and you’ll get cases of the support and tank categories being strangled by excessive bans.

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Ban Widowmaker.

and Hanzo.

There! The game is fixed!

I believe it will play out differently. Maybe at first hanzo will be banned every game but after a long enough time players will have a problem with what ever new hero feels oppressive, they will start banning the said new OP hero and hanzo will be released from jail. This cycle will naturally continue, not necessarily swapping between the two. The rotating of banns will create a rotating of meta comps. I think this will be a great thing.

That’s because in your “in-house scrims” you’re all using it “correctly”. In general usage, it will be used to ban meme-op heroes and to tilt known one-tricks.

Gratz! PvPTwitch and Chro will never be able to play Junkrat ever again. No more Kolourblind bastion or Fuey500 torb.

not becuase they’re good picks, but because those players are known one-tricks who happen to be very very good at specific off-meta heroes.

Welcome to hog-banned games where there’s nothing but barriers everywhere because the tank roster is so stunted.

The community is very, very good at figuring out the very worst way to use anything and everything the devs build. Bans will be no different.

Welcome to games where when someone’s main gets banned, they then immediately throw and become insanely toxic towards their teammates.

and god help you if your main ever becomes meta. You’ll never, ever be able to play them.

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And if the general populous finds certain heroes to be busted, then we won’t have to wait 6 months for the devs around here to maybe do something about it.