🔶 Discussion on Why I'm Against Hero Bans

If what’s being said is true, then I honestly fear for Overwatch’s future, not a meme.

I’ve seen what hero bans are capable of, and all it does it lock down the same heroes that the general populous.

I know the thought of having Hanzo practically perma banned in your matches seems like a dream come true, but simply “deleting” a hero won’t solve anything.

Every hero in the game plays a significant role, and if a key member of a specific composition is banned, then that entire comp is practically unplayable. Imagine your tank or support pool getting even smaller because Orisa or Baptiste was banned, even worse if that’s your favorite hero. It’s not fun, and it doesn’t feel like Overwatch, IMO.

As always, give me your thoughts and opinions!

59 shots, 1 kill,


I think hero bans are only really appropriate for Masters/GM/Pro.

Where their hero pool is shrunk a lot by whatever the meta is.


from how I took it, it was going ot be for owl only


I myself do not think hero bans will work till there is more heroes in the game.
You have to have something like 50 + heroes in the game for this to work and seeing as both the healer and tank classes are VERY small there is no way to make this workable unless they added more heroes to both classes.
Just my opinion.


If it’s restricted to high level play, I can go for it. I would only really want to see it in OWL

59 shots, 1 kill,


Yes, that group, minus master.

They need to bring it to every rank of the game. No more widow, that would be the day


One active ban per round is feasible and would not kill off any comp, everything would be still playable

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There’s always the next person in line. If it isn’t “I hate being one shot” it will be “I hate being killed to quickly”, then “I hate dying”
A bit of hyperbole at the end there, but you get the picture.

59 shots, 1 kill,


OWL-only hero bans would be great. It would make it so Blizzard can more easily balance for more ranks because you wouldn’t have constant mirror matches in OWL that force Blizzard to nerf the problematic heroes and the whole player base feels the impact of the OWL-only meta.


if hero bans go into my game im hiding all types of overwatch data and identity shaking in a corner for hope that my fav heroes dont get banned every match.


Having a variety of heroes played is good for the viewing audience!

59 shots, 1 kill,

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If this was ONLY from OWL that would be fine but we all know anything that comes to the pros always get’s trickled down to ladder.
I do not think this is the right call because again it hurts the tanks and healer classes to much seeing as how small they already are.


Heroes of the Storm has 6 bans per game with 87 heroes to ban (banning Cho or Gall effectively bans the other so I’m counting them as one). That’s the same ratio as 2 bans for 29 heroes, and Overwatch has 31. It’s perfectly doable.


Who’s to say it won’t? Why not TRY this method of balancing that the devs have been so opposed to?

This style of balance worked with the map pools, it could do with heroes too.


Thing is, the game has multiple comps, but there’s always a dominant one in each comp, IE Brig in GOATS. Banning a hero CHANGES the comp away from the most dominant, which I am perfectly okay with. Flexibility in the game is FANTASTIC.

Honestly this I agree with. However, it only affects a small audience.

The game is supposed to have many heroes to pick and choose from. If you physically cannot play the game as your only hero was banned, then you’re not playing the game right. I play Doom/Hanzo/Pharah as my main 3 DPS as I’m projectile based. I play Sigma/Rein/Ball as they’re great fun, and I don’t play support.

I’m okay with one hero getting banned that I like, as I’ll have another that I also like. Coolio.


If this is true, if this happens and arrives in OWL then you can be fairly sure the core game will get this too. It’s not good news as I see it, but no matter how much we might complain on here it won’t make much difference I imagine. Anything to try and spice up OWL, right? :roll_eyes:

Why not be optimistic? Nothing is ever set in stone.

59 shots, 1 kill,

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I would rather have a choice in who gets to annoy me in my games, thank you very much.

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HOTS has more options for the classes.
There is tanks that do the same thing as other tanks in the game same goes for healers.
Ow does not have that, every hero has a different play style and comp it makes.

This actually made me laugh, who’s ever banned Cho’Gall? lmao

59 shots, 1 kill,