The problem is that this game operates under burst damage thresholds. Mercy boosting one person against everybody is often stronger than zen boosting everybody on a single person
Zenyatta large hitbox. Accuracy percentage average below 50%
Easily killable.
Orbs 100% accurate
Healing beam %100 accurate
200dps with headshot.
Dmg boost with no cd %100 accurate
Incredibly hard to kill extreme mobility
Tied with lw for highest healing in the game.
Rez is best ability in the game. %100 accurate
How good do you have to be to outplay all that guaranteed value?
How good should someone have to be. How many hours a day should someone have to grind ow to outplay a mercy?
Winrate don’t mean anything and idk what ‘one of the highest’ means exactly or where you’ve even gotten that info
Also discord is not Zens main source of damage while blue beam is for mercy, so putting it on a resource or giving it more downtime than is already has wouldn’t work. It’s already insanely low damage output and dependent on someone else hitting their shots.
She also doesn’t need to be nerfed and ain’t over performing, sooo
nearly 300dps with headshots (no discord)
removing 25% of the Tanbks HP bar for nearly the whole duration of the game
100% accurate 30 Hps healing with infinite range only LoS required
boop on meele +50% dmg
Teamfight turning ult/defensive ult to counter others
Secondary fire that can 1 clip every 200 and 225 hero( even 250 with discord involved)
pretty easy if u nutpick every upside without downsides
*needs to hit every of them. Everage Gm mercy has about 300 Dmg per 10mins
cant deal dmg while using and has no damage threat at all
She can’t do anything else while channeling it other thn GA. She can’t even contribute her own damage via gun like zen can and is restricted to 1 teammate.
It’s got plenty of drawbacks and already got nerfed recently, doesn’t need to be dumpstered.
Mercy needs a rework to get rid of the broken pocket. Make the hero take an ounce of skill removing rez for a different ability, but that would take actual effort to change.
I’m not going to speak for all of us but Genuinely just want them to stop changing her. She’s fine. She’s not overperforming anywhere, and obviously from your posts you have more than just an issue with blue beam. You want her to be an entirely different hero.