Discord has downtime now… what about dmg boost

I’m okay with her as a hero. I’m okay with beginner friendly options for new players.

But a hero for new players should be just that. Training wheels.

Otherwise you create a barrier where the new hero is in definatly better for quite some time….

Unless your an ow dedicated tryhard that grinds daily…

Then she can be outplayed… but she also feels worse for the player that playing her in GM

She’s not a hero just for new players. She’s for everyone regardless of skill. There is no hero who should be reduced to ‘training wheels’.

Also, I’m not a ‘dedicated tryhard’ im a console player who mains mercy and usually peaks plat-diamond on dps. My aim is garbo. I can still kill a mercy consistently, or pick a hero who can burn through her hps. Pharah/junk are my go to.

She can be slippery but you don’t have to be an aimgod to deny her value.

There’s no way for every situation to be fun for Mercy. One could answer “its not fun for Mercy to be so reliant on her team to land their shots”, and that would mean nothing. Its not fun for me as Reinhardt to rely on my team to kill that Hanzo while I’m shielding his arrows. So?

I think you guys put personal fun above all else, but that’s a problem when fun is subjective.

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Not much given plat and gold players do it easy


Your concern is touching but speaking on behalf of all mercy players we dont want it. Well decide whats fun for us

When mercy can damage boost everyone at all times while shooting then we can talk about down time

Discord is a lot stronger than Damage Boost, that’s why.

It’s almost like there’s a reason the abilities didn’t have a downtime. Probably because on their own they do nothing and without consistency they do very little.

Mercy’s damage boost only matters if the person shooting is actually dealing damage. For everh shot that misses, not only is that person not achieving anything but neither is the Mercy who could be healing or damage boosting someone that is landing shots.

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no offence

but its pretty clear you are in the metal ranks by just this statement alone. it is SO easy to camp a rez so mercy cant do anything about it, its easy to kill her because she is required to stand still, the animation is rather long and she can only really guarantee a rez if the fight is won. plus, abilities like immortality field exist, which definitely ranks higher than rez on the best ability in the game.

ok but is the person you are dmg boosting 100% accurate? if they are, they are hacking.

who, mercy? because that is very, VERY wrong.

her mobility got pretty much destroyed when they nerfed her GA. you clearly dont prioritise killing her first.

if you are healbotting, sure. but if you are healbotting, then dmg boost is useless.

sure, but its single target and low hps.

if you are still complaining about mercy, its because of two things;

  1. you arent good
  2. you are in the metal ranks, and by now you should realise that the devs base their patch notes and changes on high elo performances.
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Throwing mercy under the bus is not going to help zen

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bad argument. yes, you need to be somewhat aware and good at aiming to deal with mercy, but the same can be said about a LOT of heros, genji, tracer, sombra, widow etc.

Okay… there are easy options for dps players too that are arguably too strong but they are getting nerfed. Bastian, Mei, reaper, Sym…. Zen got nerfed and he’s not even performing well.

If you are diamond on dps… what’s your support/mercy rank?

And do you think it’s fair your aim is Garbo and you are much higher than diamond top %10 without aim.

Top 50% maybe but higher than almost all of the player base with Garbo aim? In an fps?

Whilst I’m not entirely on board with the zen nerfs (I’ll need to see them in game myself to test how I feel about it) I can see why they went for discord and not DB in theory.

Discord is a ‘set and forget’ ability. Meaning it does not preclude Zen from doing other things like DPS-ing or healing.

However, with Damage Boost, the Mercy has to stick to that task. She cannot do anything else except keep her head on a swivel and dodge bullets if she wants to DB a teammate. The value of this ability is in the hands of the person she is boosting. (Whereas Zen can discord and then DPS for himself.)

It was the ‘unshakeable debuff’ on tanks. You LOS it and come back? The Zen would instantly reapply it. Got it cleansed? Oh no, there it is again. There was no real counterplay to getting discorded. Tanks just had to put up with suddenly taking a whole lot more damage.

Damage boost (on it’s own, not ult form) only increases the damage from a single source. Discord brings in more damage from all sources, not just one player.

i was about to rant over mercy.

but instead i just pick lw have the same value as her. for the same effort.

spamming my lmb like a true god.
so easy to heal i have time to taunt my enemies.

more easy heroes blizzrad. it kinda feels fair now.

i even feel stronger because i can precharge my heal and don’t have to waste time pumping then full.

100% heal accuracy and i am just a plat pleb. :yum:
i love especially how regardless which button i press i activate healing.

i used to hate consistency and easy of access, but i learned to embrace it.

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Damage calculation is different from zen.
You additively apply his bonus to damage reduction effects resulting in damage much higher than 25% of the original damage value.

Discord orb intentionally nullifies armor as of the most recent armor rework (which was a MASSIVE shadow buff to doscordy) and was intended in 6v6 to be counter damage reduction.

Discord is a game breaking ability that goes against the role-trinity style in 5v5, like anti nade.
Mercy is an annoyance at best.

And Zen can see the invisible Sombra with the new discord downtime indicator bug.