Disable Tracer soon, she is now broken

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Nah, shes the poster girl. They will never disable her

Not to mention they still havent disabled Brig and the Mei bug is still in the game.

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brig? for what? ////

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There’s a bug with Brig’s shield where it gets infinite HP under specific circumstances I won’t describe here.

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They fixed it, look at the patch notes.


i never seen a game have so many bug fixes yet be so broken

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She’s literally not. Shes niche at best

that was already fixed in the last patch, read the patch notes

Have you read any overwatch patch notes in the past? Its always been this way.

yeah its just ridiculous that they remove characters from their game to fix

its allready comfirmed this was a thing since the begining of beta

people just notice it now

only OP to training bots, with how spread her weapon is and her damage nerf, u are lucky to even kill target with 2-3 clip

Blame who set up the technical stuff this way.

Honestly from what I been hearing, he or she may have been demoted

i think theyre just doing it to push skin sales. everyone started playing mei when she was added back, and some even bought her 10 dollar skin.

Rein fix almost every patch, rein breaking almost every patch as well anyway.
That was a life… of rein main.

The wall is definitely still broken. I had a Mei wall lock me in place above it and I couldn’t break through it as a Bastion. OW needs to hire some of those devs leaving other tech companies. The current ones aren’t cutting it.

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I have 150 hours on rein. I miss when his pin could suck people out of the room he was passing by mid charge.

played since ow1 beta, nothing literally compares if they were game breaking they usually were fixed within 48 hours. never ever seen a character been locked for 2 weeks

At the same time charging straight at sleeping hog resulted in pushing him away with no pin XD

Didn’t somebody say earlier this was happening before the patch as well?

Edit: Dunno where I saw that but I do see a bunch of streamers etc claiming it’s new. I sure hope they fixed their hotfix system with this patch.

Actually I found it: Secret Tracer buff?

This is an OWL player, maybe the video is a preview build.