Secret Tracer buff?


old news, yes her range got buffed her damage got nerfed, which is why everyones upset. The range is nice, she literally wouldnt work at all without it atm. Danteh is just super late, kabaji and dafran showed everyone when ow2 dropped pretty much, and then it was featured on noobhunter.

Where does it state that she got her range buffed though, there are no patch notes as far as I’m aware

yep, it looks like they flat out removed the 12m-20m minimum fall off range and put it to 20m flat as the minimum.

thats a huge buff for tracer and she can even fight you at much further and safer ranges. yay blizzard hard nerfing genji, but giving this really good stealth buff for tracer out of nowhere. since the forums here love these hard, unreasonable nerfs for genji, enjoy your tracer instead now. hope you guys enjoy tracer :smiley:

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Is this something in the main game or just the OWL players have in their own version?

There are some other minor changes that never got listed either.

Winston leap is now 5sec not 6.
Doomfist punch is 3 not 4.

I paid attention to the patch notes and articles heavily and nothing stated on those changes. Tracer’s fall off change seems more like an oversight than anything.

This is in the main game right now


oh yeah i forgot about those other stealth buffs. but its funny because theyre not as glaringly noticeable as opposed to tracer’s insane buff here. like how can blizzard screw this up even more? at this point, blizzard probably has a dart board somewhere for them to make the next ridiculous change they can think of :unamused:

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you know it is funny cuz i was thinking why is it easier to play her then i remember in the betas.

i been playin here here and there and i was like… i coulda swore i lost more when i played her in the betas lol

also didnt they STEALTH nerf symmetra. the bias is showing on the dev team

But she’s had it since the beta, and she’s not op. So why complain lol

Meanwhile they stealth nerfed Sym more.