Disable sigma in competitive

is this a bug? it has not been a week yet, disable him

people are trying out sigma for the first time in comp and im losing because people dont know what theyre doing


Remember the Competitive is a beta and will not affect your long-term career profile.


competitive is supposed to be competitive, not “im trying out this hero for the first time LUL” mode

thats what quick play is for, im playing comp because i want to win

True, but if you think about it, better now while the season doesn’t really count than when September 1st hits and everyone is still instalocking it anyways.


i suppose, but he should be disabled for a week still regardless. also, is the beta gonna have a top500?

Yes there will be a leaderboard, but I don’t think anyone can earn the generic Top 500 player icon if they end in top 500. There are not specific sprays or player icons for this Role Queue Beta.

Regardless, he should still have been in quick play exclusively for the first week. I feel this might also give the devs a false impression of 2/2/2.

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Shush you, those of us that played him for weeks on end in the PTR are having fun wrecking people that don’t know how to counter him. I’m looking at you diving tracers :smiley:


If they would have made him only qp than less people would play ranked. Many games would be either sigma or ranked. So to test both with a maximum of games played they put him direcntly into ranked.

Considering that it’s only a beta seasons this is a very smart decision to get as much inteligence for fixes and improvements.


It’s not a real comp season. I rather like this idea because people will take it more seriously. Also disabling just prolongs the problem since there are a lot of people that only play comp and will just use him without knowing anything when he unlocks, imo.

Having him in the comp beta gets those players used to him without affecting long term career profile.

Don’t worry. most ppl don’t know how to play most of the things.

I assume it is a bug but I actually prefer not having to wait. It is just pointless anyway.

It’s not a bug, Jeff talked about it. This is what they want to try doing now, new heroes available in comp from release. Also, this is a beta season so it doesn’t matter eitherway.

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Not really. Jeff stated he would join comp on Sept 1st, its standard to have leeway time. and many people don’t try PTR, so they try it once live. This is butchering Comp for 2.5 weeks for those of us that would like to succeed. whether recorded or not


this is meant to be competitive, if you can’t deal with something learn to adapt rather then throwing a tantrum and asking something be removed

Give me an example of adapting to a Sigma who plays like a Bronze in Diamond? What can I do to make him better? Please help us understand that logic

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how about start by working with him as a team rather then acting like he’s the reason you lose

Im a Brig player, people act like Im the reason we lose, and I don’t act that way fyi, I reserve negative comments ingame. They don’t help the team. What else can I do?

They put a beta test on live servers in the middle of a game that has already been through a beta period. 10/10

“It’s okay because it’s a beta period!”


deal with it, you don’t get to decide what hero others play or simply make a premade team and tell everyone you’ll kick them if they pick sigma.

Exactly why the period of them not being in Comp is critical. It makes the average SR of the gamers in game waver drastically, which is funny because its half the reason Role Que was added