Disable sigma in competitive

Then what about you? Playing a reworked hero on the first day of comp. Maybe you are the problem?

I accumulated over 15 hours of new Brig on PTR

Console player. I dove straight into comp after the patch. We dont have ptr so sigma is new to everyone. And i had a clueless sigma every single time. Needless to say i wont be playing on my main for a while.

:thinking: a beta mode that has no impact on your record but let’s get all bent out of shape over the new hero being allowed anyway… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

The Devs are using this time to test as many variables as possible to ensure the new system is at its best before release… but let’s just go a head and remove one of those factors for your convenience because that’s far more important than the data collected by keeping Sigma around throughout the beta testing period :roll_eyes:

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