Disable Brigitte for pros

or just allow pros to disable a hero they choose

Goats will still be strong even if you swap Brigitte out. Stop using her as a scapegoat…

yes the pros are so good that they need a character disabled because they can’t figure out how to deal with it XD

Why not Mei too Mr Nowantswitch? She’s more strong and frustrating than Brigitte

I’d rather they implement a ban system. It’d shake the meta up somewhat and ensure more teamcomps are run than just 1 archetype with a few variations.

Don’t like Deathball? Ban Lucio.
Don’t like Dive? Ban Dva.
Don’t like Bunker? Ban Orisa.

It actually makes the players with a wider hero pool valuable compared to people who only ever have to play one hero because that one hero works in virtually every situation in the meta.

in rainbow six siege was a character so broken that he destroyed league games the same as brigitte…

ubisoft removed him and balanced him properly…

mind you that siege already had a ban system… he still destroyed the games.

ban system wont fix broken characters

Bans are a stopgap measure, but they’re important because they let the community respond to issues long before the balance cycle has to.

Bans would have prevented almost every meta from being as deeply entrenched as it was.

Triple Tank wouldn’t have ever been as dominant as it was, simply because people would ban Ana.

Dive wouldn’t have ever been as dominant as it was, people would have banned Dva, or Winston, or Zen (Dive would probably be the hardest meta to ban out).

Moth meta would have seen Mercy banned.

Grav/Dragon would have seen Hanzo banned.

Double Sniper would have seen Hanzo or Widow banned.

GOATS would have seen Lucio, Brigitte or Zarya banned.

Edit: And Brigitte is nowhere near as busted as Mercy 2.0 was lmao.

I completely agree that if a hero can’t be balanced they should try to disable it for a while in the one mode that they expect thousands to watch, live.

Anyone who denies or tries to go around the fact that Brig is the one thing that created this weird meta at the OWL level should not be listened to, for it is blatantly obvious that she did create it.

You might be joking but the truth is they cant deal with Brigitte 3-3. If you’ve watched the OWL you’d seen all those desperate attempts to fight GOATS with anything other than mirroring it. And basically all of them failed hard. The heros that would be good at countering 3-3 are unplayable because Brigitte is there as well. Remove her and heros like Tracer, Reaper or Hammond would actually be able to deal with GOATS. Again, there’s a reason why 3-3 has only been this big of a thing since Brig was added. Yes, tank comps existed before GOATS but as I said in my post, never have they been this nigh unbeatable. Brig isn’t the only thing that makes GOATS work (tanks dealing dps levels of dmg, speedboost, armor, high up pool, etc.) but she is the catalyst that made it so strong that even pros realistically only beat it by mirroring it.

I’m gonna leave you with these stats. You look at the 6 most picked heros and then tell me GOATS isn’t picked to an unreasonable amount: