Disable Brigitte for pros

Without Brig they will add Moira or Ana/Baptiste to goats so it wont make a difference.

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Field on team and Bubbles while focusing their Supports. Discording and booping the tanks can easily help defeat the dive.


  • No CC
  • Weaker AoE healing
  • More mobile but less durable
  • Doesnt give players armor (only regular healing)


  • No mobility
  • Only one CC (skillshot and long cooldown)
  • Barely any AoE healing
  • Doesnt like being close to the fighs so shes divable
  • Also no armor


  • No CC
  • Only vertical mobility (nothing that can really save you from a dive)
  • His save (immortality field) is much easier to take care off than Brigs shield
  • And yet again, no armor

All these heros can be countered if played in a 3-3 or other tank heavy lineups. Not just that, because theres no Brigitte certain heros can now counter the rest of the lineup. Tracer, Genji, etc.

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So what is going to be?

  1. Goats with brigitte replacement
  2. Back to dive again
  3. 200IQ bunker comp

There aren’t nearly enough other options for them to disable characters. That would also mean the devs would have to admit they were wrong. The devs are never wrong

Zarya bubbles suck against Dive, as does ifield - if there’s any comp you want to destroy it no matter where he places it, it’s a hypermobile comp.

Also if you are forced to use bubble on your backline support then you cannot engage, like at all. Bubbles are too important for clearing Discord and baiting aggro when used on the frontline.

You are swapping a hero that is self-sufficient and doesn’t need peel against a dive for a hero that is on the opposite end of the spectrum which completely changes how you play the comp into a non-mirror.

This implies Bap is in the deathball which is the last place he wants to be. Not only can he not brawl, like, at all, any chip damage forces him to commit regen burst, which he needs to save if he wants to act as a surrogate to Brig in anyway. (This is assuming Zen has harmony glued to Rein, which he needs to or else Rein just gets run over, and Lucio is on speed, which is necessary to engage.)

You will notice in Bap GOATs Bap typically plays a fair distance back from the team or on high ground where he can be safe and use his CDs on his own terms. Dive doesn’t allow him to do that because he just dies if he plays away from the team, even if he saves ifield purely for himself and gets a Zarya bubble.

It was never the meta, or common at all. Back in the first year of overwatch, a team called ninjas in pyjamas ran it a fair bit, but never ended up doing that well in more major tournaments. So goats is the first time 3/3 has been the meta, or even a comp ran by multiple teams semi consistently.

I am pretty sure that they will just change Brig for Ana or Baptiste, depending on the situation. Those heroes can still be really good in the comp.

As well as other DPS heavy comps that currently cant be played because they simply cant fight 3-3 with a Brigitte in it. As we could see many times in the OWL.

OWL Season 1 was played while we still only had 5 healers. Even if they were to remove Brigitte from professional play we’d still have 6 now.

I hope the devs have enough dignity and selfrespect to never let that be an issue in their decisionmaking. Admitting to mistakes is not a failure. Its the first step to improvement.

No one is denying that triple (or quad) tank comps would still be viable. But nowhere near as nigh-unbeatable as current 3-3 with Brig is. Not only do these other options have more punishable weaknesses within a 3-3 comp, but because theres no longer an undivable Brigitte handing out healing and armor to everyone heros like Tracer can actually be played again to punish tank comps weaknesses, like lack of mobility.

if you want to see dps only gameplay so much, there are way more successful esports on that matter.

I dont recall talking about “dps only gameplay”. All Im asking for is the percentage of playtime seen by half the games roster to be at least somewhat equal to the remaining half.

Raw damage sure

But no, they definitely don’t put out nore damage than they used to.

Yeah i remembered that after i posted but was busy with something else and forgot to edit my comment. I forgot her freaking 150hp burst heal deny half the DPS roster.

no the meta team comp is either 0 DPS or 6

you gotta choose now

Im pretty sure watching 12 professional players battle it out with only DPS heros would be more entertaining than watching the exact same comp fight itself in the exact same way for the 500th time

This post pleases me. Apparently, Brig haters have already moved onto the fourth stage of grief - bargaining. Only another year or so and they will move though depression and onto acceptance!


I see youre still stuck at the first stage: Denial :wink:

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Depends on who is banned. Some heroes are non-negotiable. That goes with any composition. For Dive, it’s Zenyatta and Winston. For GOATS, it’s Zarya and Lucio. For bunker, it’s Orisa and Bastion. These compositions flat out don’t work without certain heroes.

Regardless, I wasn’t even asking for bans, I was merely saying that Brig is not the reason GOATS is still around.

Except Brigitte can easily be replaced in GOATS I believe. She’s one of the optimal picks, but you could easily replace her with another healer and run a very similar comp. This would do nothing.

Brigitte has been nerfed to the ground that she’s pretty bad in any other comp, and can still be replaced… she certainly doesn’t need to be ground into the dirt anymore.

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If you swap out Brigitte in GOATS with any of the other supports you suddenly have more options to fight both the specific healer as well as the 3-3 comp as a whole. So many heros are basically unplayable if the enemys run 3-3 with a Brigitte in it. Tracer, Genji, Soldier, Doomfist, Winston, Hammond, Reaper, etc. All these heros hate playing against a durable support that provides great CC, decent healing and armor. Now if instead of a Brigitte the enemies have a Moira someone like Reaper can actually get close enough to deal reasonable damage, because there’s no extra burst heal, armor, knockback, shield and stun anymore.