Disable Brigitte for pros

In DotA2 there’s a hero called Io. Because the devs struggle so much with Io’s balancing they straight up disabled it in captains mode, the mode professional games are played in, to protect the competetive integrity of their e-sport scene. I dont see why Blizzard can’t just do the same for Brigitte. Without her GOATS is either straight up dead or at least much more easy to counter because certain heros become playable again. And considering DotA2 did it first I don’t think there’s any shame in doing so.

Edit: For clarification, I’m talking about professional play only. Neither ranked nor QP.

Edit 2:
Yes tank heavy lineups have existed before Brigitte came along but there were at least some decent counters to it. And back when triple tank was too powerful Blizzard actually managed to nerf it by reducing Anas extra healing from nade (amongst other things). GOATS has been the end-all-be-all for almost an entire year now and shows few, if any, signs of slowing down. Even after Blizzard made all those changes before stage 2 in a desperate attempt to directly nerf GOATS it basically did nothing. Throughout stage 2 teams have tried other comps against 3-3 but almost always ended up playing it themselves because its just not worth the effort to try and win with anything other than GOATS if mirroring is your best bet to beat it. If Brig got removed from professional play, tank heavy comps will most likely still be strong. But nowhere near as strong as 3-3 is currently. If Brig got removed heros that counter tank comps but simply cannot be played if theres a Brigitte CAN finally be played and be used to counter tanks. One example would be Reaper. One of the reasons hes so garbage against 3-3 is because he has to play at point blank range, at which point Brigitte has an easy time to stun him. And being stunned for even just a second will result in a very fast death if you happen to be right in front of the entire enemy team. Another example is Tracer, who also has to play up-close and hates Brig’s stun as well as her armorpacks and ult. Also, the supports that might get swapped in for Brigitte in GOATS have actual weaknesses within the 3-3 composition. Ana doesnt want to be in the middle of the fight, so shes vulnerable to dives in backline. Baptiste has no CC and less self-defense than Brigitte. Moira has no CC either and also little self-defense. Same goes for Mercy. Unlike Brigitte, all these supports can be countered if played in a 3-3.


What DotA2 does has no bearing in what this game should do.


Just using it as an example. If you can’t figure out how to make a hero balanced you can always disable them to protect the competitive integrity of your professional scene. Obviously you keep working on the hero in the meantime to hopefully bring them back.

If the only thing standing between GOATS and a more diverse competition is your own pride then just take the bloody leap.

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Stop complaining about goats & using heroes as scapegoat.

2nd of all these 2 games arent the same.

3rd of all stop trying to suggest something for pros & let them do their own stuff. Theres a reason why theyre pros & youre not.

Its a shame that theres still people who hate this amazing hero…

Just cause you complain/dont like this 1 hero doesnt mean that others doesnt.

Idk if you even know that certain heroes ARE PLAYABLE. If you have watched/played this game this meta isnt a problem in ranked & it havent been played on owl so much than it was on stage 1.

Also if you watch top500 lists you clearly can see that theres more dps beeing played this season.

Ps. No one is forcing you to watch owl.


Theres a reason why GOATS wasn’t a thing before Brigitte came along. And it’s not because people were too stupid to come up with 3-3 comps.

I never claimed they are. But I did point out how a development team conceded their temporary inability to balance a hero and thereby removing said hero from competitive play to protect the games e-sport.

  • You don’t need to be a pro to understand how OW works
  • Pros themselves literally say GOATS is too strong

Which hero’s are amazing or not is a VERY subjective opinion and therefore complaining about people disliking a hero is a pointless argument.

This whole argument isn’t about liking or disliking Brigitte anyway. It’s about the negative effects this hero has on the professional OW scene. And those negative effects aren’t even an opinion anymore. Considering even pros complain about GOATS meta I think it’s fair to say it’s the objective truth.

Did I say Brigitte should be disabled for quickplay or ranked? I didn’t. I was strictly talking about professional play. And yes, it’s been played less in stage 2, after Blizzard dropped a nuke on GOATS in terms of balancing. Yet even after that desperate attempt to weaken GOATS it’s still by far the most played and most difficult to counter comp. And I don’t think Blizz is gonna take another balance-dump on GOATS. So the only other option is to disable Brig.

Again, that’s ranked you’re talking about. I’m talking about OWL and Contenders.

  • Except if you want to experience all the content a game you already payed full-price for has to offer
  • If OWL fails (which it most likely will if they don’t do something against GOATS, like disable Brig or 2-2-2) it will have horrible effects on e-sports as a whole because big companies have throw millions of dollars into it and if it just goes down the drain those companies will most likely stay away from E-Sport for the foreseeable future, removing possible sponsors for other E-Sport titles.

I hate to break it to you but theyre never gonna do that.

And yet again youre not forced to watch it.

You guys should learn already to stop suggesting something for pros & let them do their own thing. (Like example: Nerf/disable heroes for them, deleting metas cause you dont like to watch them, etc)

I just dont get why people complain about how every meta should be either nerfed to the ground/be deleted, etc… This same thing happened with dive when people complained about it. Now its happening with goats.


Yes it did. It just involved another tank. Remember Slambulance?

If anyone should be banned, it’s Lucio.


You know 3-3 was a thing but it just wasnt called as goats that time.

You people need to start getting smarter than this…

Theyre not gonna ban/disable anything. Cause you know even if they would ban 1 hero they can STILL play goats.

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Quad tank and slambulance were a early brig-less goats variation


Again, always the same. War, war never changes.


The devs will not disable a hero, they will not delete a hero. It will not happen. Period. At all. It’s not a question of ‘if they can’ it’s the fact that there’s no god damned reason too. Do you TRULY BELIEVE a single hero is breaking an entire game?

Then quit. Leave.

If Brig is so evil, if she is the Lucifer of Overwatch, if she is our Teemo, then you are free to see yourself out at any given time. She has counterplay, she was nerfed, buffed, nerfed etc etc. Everyone experiences this, it will continue ad infinitum. You’d think after the game being out three freakin’ years people would understand this.


Omg, Brig doesn’t make Goats. Goats will still be ran, but with a Baps. Goats isn’t made from one hero, it’s how the heros work together that makes Goats what it is.


Yes, junkrat and pharah hadn’t their splash damage potential nerfed to the ground.


People arent allowed to complaining about goats now? Why not? And so many of the points you make have absolutely nothing to do with whats being said here. And are also incredibly inaccurate like,

If you read he wasnt saying that.

Yes it absolutely has. Like plus 90% has.

If you look, almost all the pros are wanting a role lock for the league. And even the pros who play Brig think Brig is the main reason for goats.

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Are you for real? Junkrat and Pharah put out more dps than ever.

Yet again. Stop. Using. Heroes. As. Scapegoat.

Goats can be played even without Brig. Neither she is not the ‘‘only’’ reason for goats. Goats is 3-3 (3 tanks & 3 supports) NOT JUST 1 HERO combined together with these.

Idk why thats so hard to understand.

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Splash is the keyword here.

Answer me one quick question: Whom can Brigitte one-shot?

If the answer is “no one,” let’s concentrate on heroes that are actually a problem.

If Brigitte was removed from professional play it won’t automatically get rid of tank heavy lineups, but it will make countering said lineups a viable solution rather than just straight up mirroring them. Because of Brigitte many heros straight-up cannot be played that otherwise could counter triple (or even quad) tank. If you watch OWL time and time again teams try to counter GOATS but end up switching to it themselves because its just not a viable solution. Sure, GOATS can be beaten by something other than 3-3 but the difficulty of that stands in no reasonable relation to just mirroring GOATS. Why bother with DPS if the more reliable way to beat GOATS is to just play it yourself. I dont want to see tank comps die out, but I sure would like if GOATS wasnt the status quo and everything else an exception.

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You would just dive Bap GOATs because you’re trading a hero that was tailor made to stop dive for the most diveable hero in the game.

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Exactly. GOATS wont be dead, but there will be actual solutions to fight it other than playing it yourself. As you said, unlike Brigitte, Baptiste is divable. He doesnt have any CC to fight off enemy focus. Same if you swap in Ana, Moira or Mercy for Brigitte. They all have punishable weaknesses within the comp.

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