Director's Take: Opening up the conversation on 5v5 and 6v6

I’d much rather have 8 minute q times for a good game vs 3 minute q times for a lazy game that was changed because you guys are bad at balancing a certain role. Stop with 2-2-2 and role q, it only made the problem worse. Making it open queue 6v6 with actual work put into balances would solve most problems in this game. Also just remove Mauga as a character, literally is just a high HP dps hero lol.

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I for once terribly miss the 5dps comps and me being the only support while the enemy runs 2-2-2 and my DPS keep getting rolled over and over and over and never want to switch. Boy that was so fun.


That is usually the case in any businesses when yearly revenues collapse.

You probably should have just opened with something like “We’re going to do some 6v6 testing and Quick Play Hacks”.

Basically telling people what you’re going to do, and then go into the 400 page blog explaining why. It’s great that you’re providing detail, but info first would generally be best.

Though I still suggest if you do 6v6, to split tanks into Shields and Brawlers. So the moment one picks a shield, all other shield users black out, forcing the other tank player to chose a brawler.

I’m mainly just talking about just those players who left, not the game’s playerbase in general. Going F2P was necessary to gain those new casuals and/or cheapskates, otherwise it’d have one helluva fumble and tumble after the 1st season.

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I have only touched the tank role in OW2 outside of a few occasions when I really needed XP for the battle pass and “damage mitigated” was still an achievement. I enjoyed playing tanks in OW1, but solo tanking is a miserable experience for me. I’m so happy to help populate the tank queue again when 6v6 makes a come back. Even when I’m not playing tank 6v6 with double tank feels just so much better to me.


I think Blizz is rightfully hesitant to take people’s word on that

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It’s a logistical issue. I do not blame them because the solutions to the problems are few and far between.

Don’t think losing revenue is a reason to make the game worse and lose even more revenue

Losing revenue is the reason to make drastic changes.

It being “worse” is a subjective thing. Was never going to please everyone.

It can be both the right decision, and not to your liking.

Especially because it seems like they know DPS players specifically quit the game because of it. Aaron didn’t say it explicitly, but it sounds like it:

Damage queue times drifted a bit lower over time, but much of this was due to the introduction of Open Queue Competitive, and the permanent loss of Damage players unwilling to wait that long for a match.

I assume it’s not hard to track which role the people who quit the game predominantly play.

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I’m glad to see the consideration of 6v6 as a test format.
5v5 made the game faster, yes, but it killed a lot of it’s identity as a MOBA shooter by making it more of just a straight up shooter. If I want to run away from my team and focus on solo kills then it’s not exactly a difficult market to find a game where I can do that.
I played Overwatch because I LIKED the team coordination and cooperation. I don’t want to be a one man murder machine, I want to work as a unit. That was the gameplay that kept me playing from Day 1 launch all the way until the end of Overwatch 1. And it’s also one of the big reasons I stopped playing in season 2 of Overwatch 2.

The reason the game can feel stale is not because of 6v6, it was because balance changes were disgustingly slow, new game modes were nonexistent, and new heroes were overturned to dominate metas.
6v6 was a phenomenal set up that the reworking of a lot of heroes such as Orisa would have only improved. If shield meta was a problem then why DID Orisa need a shield? Hell, why does Sigma, the GRAVITY MAN, need a shield? Those are the questions we should have been asking over changing the game at it’s core and even removing jobs (OWL, Pro League teams, etc.) by swapping to 5v5.

Wait times increase when the game is in an unhealthy or unfun state, not when there are too many roles to fill.

So yeah, thanks for actually hearing us out and looking at testing things.

Also please bring back lootboxes kbye.


Divide the tanks into 2 roles. Defensive and Offensive tank to keep it simple. All Shield and heavily defensive tanks are in one role and the “DPS” tanks are in the other role. I am a big proponent of 6v6, mainly to play with all my friends in a single match without swapping spectating but I do not want to see double shield ever again…

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just play low elo open que competitive its just like playing release overwatch 1

Pretty safe to say Brig is objectively not the right direction.
Her addition to the game lead to a decrease in player numbers and was the first character Blizzard had to apologise for making.
She is also directly responsible for role queue due to GOATS forming around her, which curb stomped queue times into the ground. Which then lead to the need to remove a tank.

They’ve done it! They’ve really done it!


The 5v5 bias in the original post is just disgusting tbh.

less than 1 min queue times for tank and calling that better than what was for 6v6?


While 5v5 and 6v6 is one conversation, the overall games design changes over the years and why different players stopped playing may be a bit different from player to player. Different people preferred different eras of Overwatch essentially and the size of the teams is just one part of that.

I think to get past players back, you need to offer them different options from different points in the games history which is why I suggested a system like the following in another thread:

It’s a great day! Thank you for 6v6, Aaron. I’ll be playing that exclusively! And first time I’ve played tank since OW1, can’t wait!

For a 5v5 experiment might I suggest going to an open que with a limit of 2 per role? Obviously people will double stack tanks if they’re this strong, but that dovetails with the adjustments you’ll make to tune them down for 6v6.

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Lol, I’d rather drink acid :smiley:

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