Director's Take: Opening up the conversation on 5v5 and 6v6

all this talk about people playing tank less than other roles, not once did you ever ask “why do people play tank less?” the issue is flying right over your heads and you’re not addressing the issues with tank. The tank heroes are simply not fun enough to attract more players to the role. This is the core issue causing queue times in 6v6.


yeah, that thing that they have actively been avoiding.

now they turn around and are suddenly ‘opening it up’ like they are doing something positive instead of the truth being people would riot if they didnt

and that’s great. but im not gonna sit here and not bring up the fact they have said in the past that they aren’t looking into it to try and squash such a discussion.

You not liking it, doesn’t make it a bad idea.

I don’t like it much either, which is why I play open queue more now a days. But it was still the right thing for the game. (Marvel Rivals desperately needs it too now).

And it still is.

Maybe, based on their data and bank accounts… there is no elephant in that room. Maybe.

No one knows that but Blizzard.

That goes for you and for what the other guy said. Both your guys’ claims are bogus.

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Gonna be a bunch of bs justifying senseless pride

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Nobody is playing 2nd tank.

Community will always flame the tanks no matter what.

I don’t think we have enough tank players and don’t think this will bring back tank players

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Great explanation and way to address this. I personally find it sad that this much energy has been put into the conversation, as I love the direction OW2 has been in and is heading via 5v5.

Due to it being F2P, not because of its quality as a game. Make any game free and it will gain more players, even if it was something dead for years like Evolve.
Not to mention, we don’t even know if OW2’s peak is greater than that of OW1’s peak.
Blizzard celebrating 100 million players is meaningless because so much of that will be smurfs and alt accounts.

Well, this is partially true.

But the player numbers on console are trackable and show a big increase. PC numbers are on tracking sites (but there will rightly be some doubts as to quite how accurate they are), and they show PC numbers being a similar jump up on OW1.

I don’t know why this is always the comeback. Yes we know it is because of F2P. But even F2P games die if the game is bad. It seems to have done quite well for numbers, so it can’t be that bad a game.

The 100m was lifetime too… But they have been on record in interviews saying it beat OW1 peak very early on.

Will this OW be better as 6v6, who knows, that is why t hey are testing it. But this version of OW atm is doing ok. If the tests show 6v6 is better, lets crack on.

I’ve said many times I don’t really care either way, I liked 6v6 then and I like 5v5 now. Makes little difference to me which they pick. I just think the faffing about is boring.

It’s not about me not liking it, it’s about facts and how the game got more and more problems after RQ was introduced.

Not really. Open Queue doesn’t get specific balance patches that fit it and I can’t replace my tank who can’t play a specific counter when I queued for support.

Also, having one rank per Role is pretty ridiculous. Usually, players only master 1-2 heroes in each role category which makes 2-2-2 and 1-2-2 very problematic.

Yet they blame it on 6v6 and tanks… which we all know aren’t the problem. Overwatch suffered from balance issues way before 5v5 RQ. The only difference is that the older Overwatch gets, the worst the balance issues become.

6v6 and tanks (per se) are not the issue. Maybe they should be more observant.

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Because it would have nowhere near the numbers it does if not for it being F2P.

Bogus yet people did stop playing the game specifically because of the transition lol

How? Xbox only releases game rankings relative to each other, no absolute numbers, no? And the tracking sites you mention bear zero validity. Not only “doubts about how accurate”, I mean literally zero validity. They have no insider information, they know exactly what you and I know.

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Oh you want DPS players to play other roles to improve queue times, man, if only there was someway to incentivise players that queue 1 over populated role.

Might i suggest perhaps picking some cosmetic LOOT and putting them in BOXES at random for people to earn by queuing other roles that need increased player count. Maybe you could even put those in for FREE to reward people for actually playing the game for prolonged periods of time? If only this had been thought about before. It’s almost like rewarding someone with 5% of a battle pass level for a battle pass that doesn’t even have 100 ranks of rewards isn’t an incentive for them to ensure 15-20 minutes of torture on Colleseo as tank.


After reading this, he seems open to testing 6v6, but it seems like he REALLY doesn’t want it as a permanent mode. No matter what, I don’t think he’ll keep it in the game even if he does a test.

“Because of the challenges mentioned previously we are focused on making 5v5 the best experience that it can be.”
“Rather than introduce a disruptive, permanent change to the game, we’d prefer to explore the space further and make changes based on that exploration.”

“Another issue, and one that still gives me anxiety about opening this Pandora’s Box, is what to do with queue times if enough players prefer 6v6 to keep some form of it around. The team was not able to solve this issue previously. While we have some ideas now, there’s no guarantee that they will work. Is there a world where people are willing to live with long queue times to play this format? Maybe, but that’s a pretty risky move to make. We also have tens of millions of new players that have only played 5v5. We want to be openly mindful not to frustrate those who like the game as it is today.”

“While much of this gets attributed to 5v5, we feel that there is more at play here. Besides running experiments with 6v6, we’d like to run some that re-examine the ways we tried solving previous problems, specifically with the goal of bringing some of the freedom back to an Overwatch match without the severity of issues that accompanied it.”

He much prefers 5v5 and favors the 5v5 playerbase way more than the OG OW1 players that want 6v6 back.
He literally did not care that all the people that liked 6v6 hated it when 5v5 was introduced permanently, did not question any of them on it, did not take player feedback on the change into account at all, but now all of a sudden he doesn’t want to make the 5v5 playerbase upset. He made the unpopular and heavily disliked chang to 5v5 and didn’t care what anyone thought about it, but now super cares what players think and doesn’t want to upset the current playerbase.
Because f2p players make them more money.

It really seems like he’d rather keep changing 5v5 and trying to make it “work” than bring back 6v6.


I rarely use these forums but play the game daily. I came here to say great text Aaron. I really couldnt care about the situation but it was really interesting to get some insights on how the development and decision through the years have happened. It also was entertaining to read since your personality shined through it. Cant wait for the next dev blogs


Before, if your tanks were bad, you could have other players play tank instead.

Now, you’re completely and utterly screwed.

It would have died if it wasn’t for F2P.

Year on year revenues were falling through the floor.

Sure, but they might well have gotten offset by other people taking up the game. It went f2p after all, that usually increases player count.

Ah, I re-read your post. Are you purely talking about people leaving without talking about overall players? If so, my bad.

Edit: Yeah I think I get your point now.

Due to their own fumblings like Brig and subsequently GOATS. Then the 2.5 year period of no new content.
They put themselves into that situation.