Aaron Keller is back with a new blog looking at Competitive improvements and future Quick Play: Hacked events.
Thank you for the update!
Been loving the changes so far this season!
For a future quick play hacked event could you try a third-person mode? (maybe you could toggle third person on and off with a button)
I’ve really enjoyed the new bookmarks feature for the replay system - I would love to see more improvements like this to the replay system in the future such as:
- Replay codes could include the corresponding “Game Report” so if another person imports the code they can also see all stats
- Something really cool you could add: the ability to view any top 500 leaderboard player’s replays (players could have a setting on whether or not their replays would be public but by default it would be public) - this would give enjoyment as well as a learning opportunity for more inexperienced players to learn the best strategies for their favorite heroes
- The single most important quality of life improvement to replays would be to be able to view any perspective exactly as it was during the actual match from the perspective of the player i.e. with correct blue color coding for the player being spectated rather than sometimes red - this would be a huge improvement for both readability as well as content creation for example when one wishes to create a montage - interestingly we actually had this feature (as a bug) briefly during OW1 so as far as I’m aware there are no technical barriers to this but I could be wrong?
Could you consider making the OWCS replay viewer available to the public for this season of Overwatch esports? I was greatly saddened when I learned that it wouldn’t be available for this season for the public - as a content creator having this tool is very beneficial to me and also helps to promote the game - many players enjoy being able to view a professional match from any perspective!
Edit: it appears I was misinformed - OWCS matches this season take place on the regular client!
The replay system is something I use even more now that the game is available on GFN (which has been a total game-changer for me as a content creator as well - I love being able to watch back matches in the highest quality on any hardware!)
Alot of words with no real substance
Let’s take a look at this.
It’s like reading a script by Michael Bay.
This season feels much better than S8.
As a player who loved OW1 I would love to be able to play the assault maps again when map voting can finally be incorporated in future seasons and hopefully there will be a way to play 6v6 which I consider the best format the game has ever had by making positioning and team play were the protagonists. The best thing would be to have both formats so that all players do not feel excluded in the game.
We’ll be increasing the speed of the Push bot when he’s pushing the barrier. We’re implementing a speed boost out of spawn for Flashpoint maps, as well as during setup for defenders on Hybrid and Escort modes. We’ll also be reducing the match length of Push from 10 minutes to 8 minutes in Quick Play and are discussing whether to do that in Competitive.
that’s almost all the feedback I gave during Quicker Play, so I’m very happy that they took into consideration the increased speed similar to the CTF blitz mode. absolutely agree.
all constructive aspects of match management.
Only one additional piece of feedback: I would only modify the way in which payload/hybrid defenders can choose their first pick in pre-match, perhaps making the H button available only temporarily on the checkpoint to be defended to choose the hero to start with until the match doesn’t officially start (I mean it then disables at the start of the match, obviously). but I’m still happy with what was announced.
I mean like what else could we want?
This is like… he’s literally listing all the finer points of the game including entire game modes…
I don’t im not getting what your concern is here? Is this jusy another waahh no 6v6 ow2 bad? or no new heros?
What… what else even needs to be changed or talked about exactly?
I guess tank? That also be some huge news to here there including some new survivability tank passive. But like other then that… like what else is there?
so I guess complaining that things never change/that they don’t try to change is the best approach. very sensible as a thought for a live service game, technically a product that is inevitably destined to change with the increase of features. Yeah…
(or maybe you are simply looking for another type of game with more definitive certainties than a live service.)
Like they even talked about things the community has directly complained about like how push takes forever (because it does) or how flash point feels like walking simulator (Tho I don’t mind it myself).
I don’t. Get. What. These. People. Want!
Well, the gameplay changes sound good. Increased pushbot speed and boosts out of spawn sound good.
And glad they learned about replacing QP with a wildly different mode. I bet player population dropped like a rock last time.
And the Lifeweaver buffs?
Awww. Kinda disappointing that push is gonna end sooner, i enjoy these maps and matchups
The level of shillin’ in this thread…
People incapable of being critical towards certain changes, and swallow anything the developer throws at them with a smile, hoping for some sort of recognition from them…
Interesting, because when I read it, it said quite a bit. Maybe you just need to try reading it again?
What am I supposed to whack them for besides the lack of mention of lifeweaver buffs? I like the speed boost and push changes lol
We’re incredibly invested in these changes having a positive impact on the game and are committed to making rapid iterations to them to make that happen.
Excellent! Can you please add the positive changes of having better (tighter MMR) matchmaking and a 2nd tank per team, and rapidly iterate on that for us!?
I wouldn’t mind they shortened the match time in push from 10 to 8 in comp. I feel like more often then not, who ever gets a sizeable early lead is going to win anyway.
Thanks for proving my point.
So do i. I said certain changes, not all changes.
Push bot going faster is just gonna make the mode feel worse. You lose one fight and they have forward dpawn now, who wants that?