Director’s Take: Our Development Values, Part 1

We want to improve this. We want to improve this by looking at the game through the lens of teamwork, and make it easier for players to be part of the team while also lessening some of the pain when it’s not happening. In fact, a lot of our goals for improving the core game stem from looking at Overwatch as a whole, improving the parts of the game that are working and finding fixes for the parts that negatively affect the experience.

If you truly want to fix this aspect, return 6v6.

5v5 stems way too many problems to realistically fix within a year whilst 6v6 would be a months work at most.

If you have a bad tank, its usually gg. There is more teamwork involved with two tanks and less toxicity/pressure overall than with one since its easier to peel for the other tank, or your team in general as opposed to one tank that either dominates or is dominated. It isn’t working.

Supports are busted because they only have to worry about healing one tank rather than potentially another 500-600 HP pool, hence why everyone thinks healing is OP right now. Tanks like Rein and Wrecking Ball aren’t effective in a format like this, nor D.VA if the other team simply switches to beam heroes.

If you want to improve the core experience that people loved with the original Overwatch, return to the format that it was built upon.


I hope that HARD-CORE PVP FPS PLAYERS are happy because they now got what they wished for and that is 5v5 and self healing.

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I like the changes you have announced for the next Matchmaking/Competitive Update.
The game has been evolving, too slowly with some changes, but this update has a lot of potential and will bring enough changes to change the unfortunate course of the game.

I really want to play season 9 ‎ ‎ : )

I hope you make big updates like this to other parts of the game in next seasons.

Add this same restriction to the support passive that is always constantly active all the time. Unless they take dmg.

We all know moiras don’t need any incentive whatsoever and are already doing that with or without the change :sweat_smile:

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6v6 was just as toxic as 5v5 6v6 isn’t going to fix anything. All 6v6 is going to do is make the game feel even more convoluted. Name one redeeming quality of 6v6 that isn’t “ tank synergy, off tanking, or que times”

Please take rose tinted googles for once and realize how many issues 6v6 had.

Support isn’t busted because of having one tank IT SHOULD actually be the opposite they have one less tank to peel for them and they seem to be thriving currently. The issue isn’t with format it’s the issue that the support role has more agency than every other role due to a passive they just doubled down on.

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MASSIVE W directors take here! The fact that you guys are experimenting with all these fundamental game concepts is so amazing. I would like the idea of one of these weekend events experimenting with a global reduction to both damage and healing. I think a problem in the current game is that the damage and healing numbers across the roster and with both teams and a lot of that being focused on one tank. Sometimes it feels impossible to get a kill if there is healing involved, and sometimes it feels impossible to stay alive as tank when the team focuses their burst damage and abilities on you. Also a map vote system is a NO BRAINER please, it would be so nice.

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I never played OW1 but it seems like not having all the pressure (both damage and healing) on one tank would be good. I wouldn’t know though

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good for me, only mercys one tricks and pharahs like mercy


This is the mentality of the people in charge. They will wreck this game.

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You would think so, but in actuality it didn’t. I played ow1 significant amount and 6v6 was a nightmare to balance around in general.


And self-healing would fix everything. It will make Tracer and Genji the unstoppable nightmare in the match and make the tank role even more miserable to play.


Knock yourself out I guess :man_shrugging:


You are worried about the wrong heros. Genji in tracer wouldn’t be the worst offenders it would be BALL Phara sombra and every other hero that can engage from either a very safe distance or have easy escapes.

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In Season 9, both Tank and Damage heroes will get a modified, tuned-down version of the Support self-healing passive. This should give non-Support players more options in terms of sustaining themselves. It should also take some of the pressure off Support players to keep everyone alive since individual players now have more control of their own health pool.

I have been saying that this is necessary for literal years. F***ing finally. Better late than never I guess.

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I like how they acknowledge it’s powerful on support, but give a water down version to everyone else :skull:


are people forgetting that genji and tracer have to actually ENGAGE in close combat? the passive wont have time to kick in and they’ll STILL have to waste resources to get out of their position.

what really gets me scared is the long range hitscan like widow, poking would be enough to get them off sightlines for 10-20 seconds, but now the support passive will make it 5 seconds tops


They could, but why?

I don’t think we need to have health bars on our UI. Game is cluttered already.