Director’s Take – Tricks, Tweaks, and Treats for Season 13

Director’s Take – Tricks, Tweaks, and Treats for Season 13

Aaron Keller is back with a look to what spooky surprises are in store for Overwatch 2 Season 13: Spellbinders

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First! muhahahahhaha. Ok now what do i want to write… uhh…


Sounds good, keep it up

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Why is he hating on pumpkin spice. I will find you, Aaron.


Juno, Brig, and Bapt are getting nerfs. Magua is getting a buff

Sojurn buffs

News tomorrow at 11


Cheaters runing rampant 24/7. Fix the main problem of this game.


Brig nerfs, nooo :skull:


I’m so happy to see this new update!

The attacks from Ramattra’s punches will no longer pierce barriers, but instead will deal 2.5 times the damage on them. This gives Ramattra more strategy to decide whether to focus on breaking a barrier which can leave opponents vulnerable to attacks from your teammates, or instead focus on individual targets. Heroes like Reinhardt also now have more of a choice to make—using their barrier’s health or eating the punch themselves. We hope this change can make for a more interesting engagement while Ramattra is in his Nemesis form.

Rein bros stay winning!


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I know most people will probably rejoice, but on paper these sombra changes sound like she’s getting hardcore dumpstered.


I…don’t see why Brig needs nerfs. Or why Mauga needs buffs…isn’t he obnoxious enough?

Hopefully there is a small Rein nerf at least. Sombra’s changes are…interesting…guess we will have to see how that goes.


Yikes, the Sombra changes sound horrible. PLEASE, just give her a Mirrorwatch style rework already and end this torture.


Not a big fan of buffing the damage to Disruptor. Would’ve been better to just add the slow back in addition to the energy charge.

Also, just making the railgun shot a little wider and less dependent on headshots would help, too.


Didn’t they say brig and bap are getting changes? I assume brig is nerfs cuz she is meta, but I’m not sure about bap.

Well, here’s hoping

  1. Mauga, Hog and Orisa are not meta, because they are frustrating
  2. Widow/Hanzo/Sombra are less frustrating

But yeah, not holding my breath on that one.

But who knows, the map changes might actually be pretty legit. I haven’t given them a fair look yet.

More nerfs to supports and more buffs to tanks, amazing clown festival.


Thank God for Sombra changes.

but instead gives her a play loop that increases her lethality.

This is the only mildly concerning part, because whether this is going to be a good or a bad change is really numbers dependent. If you overbuff her damage it could be a real problem even with limited invisibility, but we shall see.

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Sombra kind of sounds weird.

So, shes back to having her old passive that increases gun damage on hacked targets and virus.

But stealth is 5 seconds after translocator, and her only movement/survivability is on a longer cooldown.

I’m guessing its probably going to be sombra 76 but I’m kind giddy over what all that damage looks like. Especially against a 225 hero

Somebody call mauveellek they will want to know about sombra giganerfs lol

Sombra’s 4th rework before Reaper’s first rework.

…and not even a crumb of information about it either.


Already here. I appreciate the thought. <3