Director’s Take – Tricks, Tweaks, and Treats for Season 13

Well, if Sombra’s lethality is benchmarked against killing Widow.

They could change that.

:small_orange_diamond: OPTION A:


Grappling Hook

  • While using Grapple, if Widowmaker takes 1 point of damage, the Grapple breaks, and loses all momentum
  • Grapple no longer gains instant momentum horizontally.
  • Cooldown Reduced from 12 to 7 seconds

:small_orange_diamond: OPTION B:


Passive: Widow’s Curse

  • All healing reduced by 50%.
    • This includes healing from teammates, regeneration passive, and health packs

Grappling Hook

  • Cooldown reduced from 12 to 10 seconds.

:small_orange_diamond: OPTION C:



  • A unique hero interaction where Hack puts Widowmaker’s Grappling Hook on a 12 second cooldown.

Option D: 150hp Widow

We’re also giving back Sombra her Opportunist passive which allows you to see targets that are critically injured through walls along with increasing weapon damage over time.

This is just getting pathetic at this point. Do they not understand that like 90% of the player-base actively despises matches that involve this hero? Just dumpster her; stop trying to reason about compensation buffs.


Ehhh, I’ve been able to play Sombra pretty effectively without ever relying on her stealth (when it used to only last 5 seconds on the Shift key); it’ll be fine. It’ll allow for safe re-positioning too.

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Nowhere near enough solutions for matchmaker issues, which at this point is the only thing that matters. So meh. Maybe ill llay maybe I wont.

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If you’re referring back in early OW1, that doesnt sound anything like how this works. Stealth wasn’t tied to the TL cd, and TL also worked differently. OW1 sombra used stealth for initial positioning, which you do not get here.

Not true. You can still do that here with Translocator. You get 45 meters of movment under stealth. That’s more movement than Tracer gets with 3 charges of Blink.

And then you dont have TL to disengage… I dont understand how you think this is going to work.

Some things in the patch worry me…

That’s where you have to commit to kill.

Sombra has all the tools for this, Hack, Virus, and Opportunist adding 20% more damage to hacked targets again, plus the ability to see weakened targets through walls.

ofc rein is getting a buff for the 1000th time for his new skin.


I’m sorry but if you can’t deal with Sombra now, I don’t know what to say. She is getting dumpstered. I get it, she can be annoying and I understand the changes but geez, still complaining about her with all these nerfs? Only 5 seconds of stealth, hack lockout to only 1 second, longer CD on TP ánd staying at 225 health. I’m speechless that people still complain.

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These Sombra changes are EXACTLY what the playerbase has been wanting. This is great stuff, looking forward to it.

Also can’t wait for 6v6 tests

The fact that they mentioned Brig and Baptiste worries me, they are going to nerf Brig (unnecessarily).

For most squishies, surviving engagements versus Sombra requires attentiveness from teammates more than any other interaction with heroes from the damage and support roles. This change further reduces player agency for the target by increasing her lethality. That’s the issue.

Please tell me you compensated sombras damage, also opportunist is nice but it feels like it’s not going to be as useful in overwatch two where people die and heal so quickly, especially with the healing passive I feel like no one is ever low anymore

You killed both my babes :frowning: Sombra and Ramm aren’t recovering after this

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Bap losing recoil based on fatigue has to be the biggest fumble non-sense I’ve read in ages.

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Ram changes: Unneeded. People in the middle and lower ranks just need to learn that melee goes through shields… this change is a heavy nerf for Ram/Rein matchup with nothing for him. “Shield break Ram”. What the F is that?

Mauga: “Why?” is the only thing I will say here. The most cancerous tank out there and you buff him. STOP!

Juno: I just hope the double nerf of her range and healing is not killing her, because her weapon is like 40% of her kit with 40% being speed boost and 10% ult and 10% mobility. Nerf the gun too hard and she disappears. Lets hope its not a crazy double nerf.

Brig/Bap nerfs: Why Brig? Its her meta and she is meant to be efficient. If you dont compensate her for a nerf, then just remove her from the game. It seems like she is not allowed to be good even in her kind of meta
As for Bap, everything besides survivability nerfs are not needed. Lets hope you hit him at the right spot.

Sombra: Seems like they killed off the hero. Thank god! Giving her more damage sounds like cancer to me, but at least she cant stalk people 90% of the game anymore and need to plan when she goes invisible. It also greatly reduces her mobility. Lets hope she is dead.

All in all I am worried about the patch. Mainly because of the Juno nerf and Mauga buff.


Why do all that when they have mythics to sell? We will be lucky to see some changes by the mid-season patch.

add aim assist to pc