And yet again, Jeff K had literal years as game director and delivered exactly 0 of his PvE promises. Where was all that power you talk about then? But y’all put him on a pedestal because he told you what you wanted to hear instead of the truth.
Jeff K wasn’t the one who killed PvE, introduced a scummy cash shop to the game, and then lied about it for 7 months to prop up sales and profits.
do any of you people that are blaming jared and aaron have any idea about the structure of a company let me break it down
1 ceo and board of / execs / shareholders
2 directors (people who manage the teams that make the product/ marketing / pr etc
3 devs / artists / designers / engineers etc
hopefully you guys stop blaming the people below number 1 (the people with only money on the mind with no real care about what the game is or plays like aslong as it makes the big bucks) diablo immortal is a great example of that im sure they think that game is one of the best theyve ever made
jarred and aaron are just scapegoats to shift public outrage you are just falling right where blizzard wants you to
When everyone is united against a common enemy it can really bring out the best and worst in people. It feels kinda poetic.
Kotick is definitely Sauron in this case. Scratch that Sauron isn’t as evil by comparison
Konami’s looking better by comparison tbh, although that just could be a lesser of two evils situation. It’s a weird kinda timeline we are in.
To paraphrase Benjamin Richard “Yahtzee” Croshaw.
“A good sequel should leap off from the original instead of wallowing in the original.”
“If you do something bad, do something worse and people will forget about the first thing you did.”
Noticed how they announced this horrid news then put up the shield of “Hey get our pride shirt. The letters l i a r in Blizzard are even highlighted pink.” and now this article.
How can anyone trust the roadmap they put out now when the driver is drunk and is horribly misdirected.
piss poor response and no accountability for your lies, regardless of weather or not it was your decision to either lie to us or have some integrity and tell us when you guys all knew, and you chose to lie or rather withhold information solely in order to keep those battle pass and store bucks flowing in, overwatch was only given the 2 moniker due to its pve element, not the pve changes no one wanted. 6v6 was better made the game more unique with all the synergies, we had fire system, card system, could talk w team and enemy team after match, was able to earn through hard work and dedication what we wanted, ow2 has seen nothing but overpowered hero releases making classic hero’s less viable or unnecessary, lifeweaver while not overpowered is a total joke a literal character kit built to troll and troll he does even if its not intentional. all it has been is a cash grab and marketing tool for your new shop and overall lackluster battle pass. with over 6k hours in overwatch im sad to say that i truly believe the game is now dead or at least bleeding out from the damage the recent events have caused. to all the hardworking devs at blizzard please go find employment elsewhere. (except whoever created lifeweaver, you whom ever you are need to seek mental counseling for the pansexual troll). we all know now why Kaplan left and unfortunately he took the soul of overwatch with him. Bobby Co-Dick i hope you burn in hells for what you have done to this once legendary studio and may Lilith take your soul or whats left of it.
No, I know. He just strung you along keeping the dream alive even when they had failure after failure to deliver.
You reward people telling you what you want to hear instead of the truth, and then wonder why companies aren’t honest.
and why did he do that? he was instructed to by his higher ups. maybe thats why he left?
oh God you actually think they’re going to spend this time on PvP? bro open your eyes they’ve known the PvE wasn’t going to happen since the end of OW1, yet the changes to the game still are minimal and low effort. look at the battle passes, the cosmetics, heck, look at the damn gameplay bro! even if you don’t like PvE (which is entirely valid, no diss) they literally lied to the entire community and have been doing the smallest updates possible to keep ow2 alive. they scrapped PvE way earlier than they told us now, and have exclusively working on PvP.
so no, you’re wrong. they will NOT have more time for PvP. this IS the state PvP will remain in. so enjoy not being a… “casual” ? or whatever the heck you think you aren’t i guess lol.
I said this back in September when we learned you were taking away heroes from us, that people like me who invested time and money in the previous game would now forever be forced into spending 10 dollars a season to get heroes right away or spend an insanely long time to grind them out.
Now we’re approaching season 5, if you were to buy that pass and every pass since game launch you would be spending more money than I did when Overwatch originally launched. I feel worthless to you as someone who can not freely afford this. I no longer can collect skins for my favorite heroes either, because each of them are now super expensive purchases versus spending time enjoying myself and being able to buy some cool skins when I ground up enough currency from the lootbox duplicates.
You spent countless hours and money developing something. I understand, I empathize, game design is hard.
We were promised something and we’ve gotten nothing, absolutely nothing. You spent years away from Overwatch 1, you took away the original game we had promising it was because of this mode. Now it’s gone.
We’ve lost more than we gained. We lost a member on our teams, we have less fun because of that increased competitive load on every team member. We lost an entire game mode and maps along with it. We lost our freedom as players to play new heroes right away.
The future of this game seems bleak. I wish nothing best for you developers, I don’t want you to lose your jobs, I know full well you are making hard decisions and doing the best with what you have, that some decisions are out of your control. But at the end of the day those decisions also affect me as a player. I find it impossible to want to support this game anymore. This was the first FPS that ever drew me in, that ever showed me it was okay to play a FPS without needing to be the best or most skilled, that I still had value as a player even if I couldn’t aim as well.
You drew me in with an interesting story and world, and bit by bit that’s all been torn away and replaced with empty promises for the past half decade.
"The analysis was the most difficult of the three by all odds. When Holk, after two days of steady work, succeeded in eliminating meaningless statements, vague gibberish, useless qualifications - in short, all the goo and dribble - he found he had nothing left. Everything cancelled out.
Lord Dorwin, gentlemen, in five days of discussion didn’t say one da*ned thing, and said it so you never noticed." - I. Asimov.
I was super excited about the promised replayability of the PVE that was planned. I’ve never been a big pvp person. I play a lot of ow because my friends do. It would be great to have a pve event that held peeps attention for more than a few minutes. I’m sad to see that story missions will not be that and will probably have tiny, sorry driven hero pools. I’m not really invested in the story of this game. I had stopped playing ow1 years ago but came back for iw2 when i heard about the pvp. I’m super disgusted i spent money on battle passes and definitely won’t in the future.
I mean they actually had prototypes and working footage in 2019 What the team did after Jeff? Looks like they just deleted it and sat around lying. While I know there were people there working their butts off to pull this off. We were still lied to and strung along like an abusive spouse promising they would get better…
Yup. I do. I have a lot more faith that they’ll put effort into PvP than I ever had that they’d deliver talent trees for 37 heroes. But you go on being cynical since that’s today’s fashion. Me personally I’m happy as a clam that the PvE dream is finally dead.
Nah man that was Aaron K who spent 7 months after he knew he was axing PvE to tell us finally that it was cancelled long after launch. He lied claimgin that “Big things were coming” and then decided to drop it on us suddenly that nothing big is actually coming, they have nothing, there is literally nothing coming but more broken promises from Aaron and his team because they dropped the ball so hard.
All this shows is that they have no idea why people are annoyed.
You burnt the communities good will to make a quick $ and deliver amazing pve experience.
Then months after release you rug pull the pve and even if not by intention it doesn’t matter because you didn’t communicate anything.
Honestly, there are no words that will fix this you need to spend years in actions to rebuild our goodwill.
This game couldn’t possibly be anymore dead at this point lol.
There is no future here.
Don’t worry we have been hard at work to give you something in Season 6… Because we didn’t start working on anything until now.
Wow! Seven whole months? After Jeff’s years of failure to deliver. But at least he made you feel good about it while he was failing! Game Director’s Job #1 I guess.
To be honest looking at the roadmap, about 60-70% of that is skin content. If you aren’t interested in battle passes or buying skins at 20 bucks a pop, the future doesn’t have a lot of content coming.