Didn't they say Syms Pickrate will increase?

I agree, her kit doesn’t work well with the rest of her things. It might work well with other people’s things like a Dva bomb ult (Which i’ve never seen tped like they advertised) but this just makes her too team reliant. She can’t handle anything herself.

Her beam is good WHEN it is maxed charged, which takes the **** considering you have to stand and wait 3.2 seconds on a shield or on a player, keep in mind for it to be 3.2 seconds you need 100% accuracy. Her tickrate is terrible also.

Most thing i dislike about her kit is the ult, M1 and turrets. The ult is so weak to be called an ultimate, like honestly it’s as an ultimate. If it generated 50% quicker then i might let it pass. The M1 is unreliable on damage it requires way too much aim, especially since it use to be a lock on and now it requires so much aim. Her turrets are grate besides the point there are now only 3.

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Its not about constantly blinking though - its about timing your blinks perfectly that you never in a situation where you are not without one.

Join an Aim Practice custom game and you will fight some GM Tracers often

Then they need to pace their blink use, and in between they are vulnerable. To stay alive you’d need to do a hit and run approach, otherwise those couple of seconds between blinks is plenty of time to die.

If it’s one on one, the tracer will have the advantage against most heroes, but Symmetra and Torb have turrets that make it more difficult, and Sombra just stalls her completely.

Like I said, just do an Aim Practice custom game - and wait for them to join. You will see a world of difference.

Dude, never compare no hero to tracer/genji.

1st thoose are the better designed in the whole game
2nd both are broken and will never will be nerfed and that’s why they will have always better pickrate than sym

Which is why they should make Sym 4.0 kit
just like Tracer and Genjis if not more powerful then them.

So her pick rate can be above 0.001% for once in her life time.

I think it could be better to remove 90% of the heros and left the dive ones and play the game like that. It will be way more fun than this. Blizzard dont understand how to deal with all of this information. I’m so tired of this company making trash heros with their nerfs or creating broken ones or not seeing there is a big lack of tanks and healers.

This game is way more boring than a year before. Really more boring.

If I’m playing against GM level players then I don’t really think it matters what character they pick, the outcome will be the same unless I manage a lucky shot.

Throws down 3 turrets
Drops a Teleporter at the enemy
Throws a barrier making the enemy unable to kill the turrets while the turrets kill everyone

I appreciate the attack on Genji. But hey, ignore DM which deletes all projectiles but with a higher uptime and for larger hitbox :slight_smile:

I prefer new sym, I think she’s more fun.

Tbf that’s like 99 percent of the playerbase. I thought some people here wanted to listen to the majority of players?

Are your enemies Ai? that don’t know how to walk across the barrier or stand away from the turrets?

I can see that happening if that was the case.

Sym is technically viable to beat the current meta, but needs to be incredibly careful of teleport placements, her beam will melt everyone than the healing done

Sym is directing the turrets meaning they’re going to be close to someone.

How does a squishy “walk across the barrier” if they can’t get within 10m of the turrets? If it catches Ana and is protected by the barrier, she’s a goner. Anyone that sees her die doesn’t realize it’s 3 turrets either, they only see one beam. Add in Sym herself essentially dealing 270dps at whatever gets close to her with orbs and it becomes a much more powerful tactic.

She lacks the survivability to not be nuked instantly while she does 5 damage per second with her LMB.

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Do you expect each turrent to be a Torb turret or what?

I dunno walk across the barrier where there are no turrets? Not really rocket science material.

Drop a biotic and kill all the turrets, while healing her self?

Now what if it’s in a corner.

This game doesn’t have any location which is locked by a single path that is tiny.

Any single path areas generally so massive a turrets can’t block the entire path with a 3 stack.

Which means there are always alternate routes to take, and always easy ways to avoid the turret, or instant kill all 3 turrets based on the type of hero you have ( Junkrat Mine \ Ana Biotic \ Ashe Dynamite \ etc )

You can find multiple little corners in the map geometry to close off and have your back/turrets backs to a wall.

Explain how Ana gets to the turrets without wasting her grenade or grenades them at all if they’re walled off and she was the first target?

You’re shining Sym in the worst light and the counterplay in the best light and that’s not how this game is played.