Sure I’d like her turrets to be a bit more durable, and for her to have a bit more health and shield, but I still do very well with Symmetra.
Two days in a row now I’ve annoyed a Doomfist by repeatedly killing him that they wasted their ult to just kill me, ignoring the tanks and healers nearby. And similarly a tracer just wasted their ult on me because I kept killing her, and not just with my turrets.
She really only needs a bit of tweaking to be a powerful DPS.
Actually just watched a team do that on one of Jayne’s pro play reviews. I was super disheartened to see her get speed-boosted back to spawn and return as the ever-present Dva all so the team could sneak to the other side of the choke without being seen. Such a waste of an awesome hero concept if that’s what she amounts to.
I play her less than I used to. There are things with the new version I like (obviously setting up turrets feel a lot better and the barrier is helpful at times) but I really miss old Sym, especially a primary I could actually use in a way that scared people. She feels more spammy (spam turrets, spam orbs) and less thinky (turret placement used to be very important, her deployable shield could be used to save yourself and your team).
They should really try to find a happy medium between the two.
Teleport is just too slow paced in a faced paced game. She’s basically missing a core ability because of this, as so much perceived power is loaded into it. It’s theoretical potential is far, far higher than its realistic use.
Even in pro play where stuff like TPing out of a Graviton Surge is vaguely realistic, it’s still not a thing that’s actually happening, and basically becomes inconceivable outside of that level of choreographed play.
I’ve managed to do this once or twice, and my teammates never make it out in time because there’s no time to react to the TP (get caught in Grav, Sym sets up TP (reaction time 0,6 + cast time 1 seconds), notice TP (0,6 seconds), click and escape (0,4 seconds) -> probably dead by then unless the Grav was bad).
I wish they had released the healer version of symmetra. Some damage turrets and some healing turrets. There’s too many dps in this game as it is. Symmetra was always supportive just not supportive enough - I’m sure that a hearing version would have been far superior
yeah, they advertised it as a counter to grav dragon, but most people cant reach it to tp if it does set up in time (even playing as sym i feel like i have trouble reaching my own tp when im in grav lol) and it rarely sets up in time
I would love to see them speed tp up a bit, give it a little bit bigger activation range, and let syms ult block attacks that normally go through shields and walls (i.e dragons, moira ult, winston gun, etc.) just to make it capable of blocking a few more ults
Increase the speed in which she charges her weapon by 30% and pay for it with a reduction in how long her ultimate lasts. Maybe add 3-4 seconds onto how long her teleporter stays active.
I agree that sym might be in a bad place right now, but like much of what I’ve seen from sym players in terms of why she’s bad and what she needs, this is poorly argued. Why would anybody ever compare Genji’s deflect and syms primary, two of the most different abilities in the game?
Why would the argument be “Genji can deflect 24 heroes, but sym only regens ammo against 4?” Genji’s deflect has one purpose and that is to deflect abilities. It does not give him extra ammo, it can be canceled (by him or another hero). Sym’s primary does damage, for herself, and it also happens to have the extra ability to regen ammo. Sym’s purpose was never as a shield buster, and the developers have never said they want her as a shield buster. Sym’s primary does damage against 29 of the 29 heroes in the game.
Yeah seriously. With all the tracking I need for new Sym I just play soldier now… everyone complains about how bad he is in this meta and I still mow people down much easier than Sym.
Same tracking and instant burst, way easier to finish kills with lower risk of dying. Even have better performance playing torbjorn because his gun doesn’t have a charge time.
To determine the usefulness of an ability.
The more useful abilities are and more synergistic with their kit it is the more useful that hero becomes.
Doomfist - all his abilities are Synnergetic
D.Va - All her abilities are Synnergistic
Genji - All his Abilties are Synnergestic.
These abilities focus on the majority not the minority.
Symmetera is complete opposite.
None of her abilities are Synergistic and her abilities focus on the minority and EXTREMELY poorly designed for the minority.
For example she is suppose to be a “Tank Buster” but because of negative mobility ( mobility so bad it could be considered worse than having none ) she is useless against tanks without a baby sitter.
Her Beam can go through D.Va’s DM. Except the fact D.Va has Missles and a Rocket Booster and armor. Meaning Syms beam just tickles her and instantly kills Sym.
Nor does Sym have any ability to Chase down because of her negative mobility.
On top of which Sym has no health to be able to survive the barrage of missles and primary fire of making her the wotst tank buster in the history of tank busters.
It is an example of how poorly thought out and possibly drunk developers were when designing these abilities.
They need to design Syms abilities to focus on being able to take on 99.9999999% of the game cast, and maybe be weak against 1 or 0.1% of a hero.
After all right now she needs is a MASSIVE rework to make her so OP that she gets 50% pick rate.
The reason being simple, make her OP - then nerf her little by little until she is perfect. Instead of making a terrible rework so she stays at a 0.1% pickrate or drops worse.
That tracer was not particularly good, but I’ve gone up against some really excellent tracers that just dominate the entire game, no idea what level since I don’t play much comp and I’m only in silver this season anyhow while on my quest to play Sombra,
But they have to stop blinking if they are going to do damage, and once you have them surrounded with turrets and out of blinks there isn’t much they can do. Sym’s glowing orb of death also works very well once a turret has nailed her and slowed her down. Especially if you know she’s out of blink and is rewinding because then you have a good idea where she will be so you just spam orbs in that direction.
If you ever play against GM Tracers - they never run out of Blinks because they time each Blink Perfectly. They also know when to peel to prevent being traped.
But GM tracers can easily take on 2 - 3 guys at once, without a sweat.