Did...did you just censor T-bagging and think we wouldn't notice?

Ana’s Halloween emote should do the trick i guess.

They honestly didn’t think this through. Now more people will purposely fight to the death at the entrance/exit of spawn on payload map, because they can’t exit the building which buys additional time.

I’m glad they did something about it finally!

If they actually did this to “stop toxicity”, I think their priorities are hilariously messed up. How do you ban tbagging before you decide to fix your report system?

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Like fr, move ur fat self im trying to kill your healers

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Post-death body block peeling for the healers lmao

Now that’s a 900 IQ strat, intentionally dying in a certain spot lol.


Pretty pathetic they did this. Won’t stop me from spamming annoying voice lines instead. Sore losers will always find something to complain about :smiling_imp:

They will do everything in their power to make this the least offensive product.

Except actually make the game fun.

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why are you spamming this topic??? Was the first one you made not good enough? Or did it get removed??

they didn’t it’s just a bug and people are assuming it is censorship because people like to be overdramatic af for no reason. they recently updated how stuns work with each other, so I imagine this is a result of that change, but ofc people are gonna jump to the most dramatic conclusion as possible.


Haha yeah okay.

It’s mostly a whine fest that people can’t simulate their imaginary genitals bouncing up and down over someone’s dead corpse.

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whats to stop people from crouch spamming near the body?, whats next?? after a death, crouch is disabled?

It’s a really really stupid solution to a non-issue

I hope it is a a bug. It is a really annoying change to the game, not because of the T-Bag, because it blocks door, and make it more clunky to deal with.

unplayable, us ana mains every right to t-bag when we land a sleep on a flanking genji/tracer/reaper! :triumph::triumph: for real hope this is only a bug or something or they patch this out because besides preventing t-bagging, what else could it be for?

It’s most likely a bug, there are many weird things with sleep right now.

yea, like sleeping d.va bomb, turrents, and such, lmao. I laugh so hard when I saw that.

How is mentioning that blizzard removed t bagging considered as crying?
I aint the one who gets triggered over people pressing ctrl key in a video game

You busted out the “flake” word, for starters, which is a surefire indicator of “whiny hypocrite calls others snowflakes while stamping his feet and demanding to be catered to.” The amount of sheer crying in this thread is hilarious. I’m glad Blizzard did it, because if you’re willing to die on the hill of not having t-bagging, well…that says a lot about you, and none of it’s good.

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are you delusional? looking at your replies you perfectly match the word snowflake so…i just wanna say imagine getting triggered over pixels
