Did...did you just censor T-bagging and think we wouldn't notice?


What da heck!

Negative. Because their ally is slept they can still pass them it does just hinder the movement slightly upon the attempt. kinda like when they try blocking your path in spawn when you’re late to hero select. worst (or best for you) case slows em down half a sec

Where cross checking this now. Can confirm its only slept targets.

But… but… I always tbag anyone sleeping :frowning:

Is there any other scenario that this could be potentially used/abused? Because we need to make sure. This has substantial negative impact if abused in the right way.

Tanks, may hinder them longer or block you out entirely cause massive bodies, but this bug is extraordinarily circumstantial tbh so you’d have to get creative on it.

I am legitimately worried someone is going to figure out a to make use of this bug in a very abusive way. History shows us this. I’d rather blizz not take the chance and just remove it. It kinda already looks ridiculous that they’re even censoring in this way.

personally I wouldn’t care as much if you could Hop over the sleeping target going into the doorway but i tested it on even Pilot Dva and it just full blocked even on eichnwalde bigger door areas (arches by bridge and whatnot) it’s pretty bad i do agree.

As an Ana main if i sleep tracer and can’t kill her i wanna gtfo to my team so I don’t die after she insta recalls before taking more than 2 dmg

So inability to line up head shots is potentially an issue then?

Yeah, if you did that.

If it’s just slept players I think it’s fairly reasonable. They’re still alive and active after all.

It’s probably to stop people running through slept tanks in 1-3-2.

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Yes. it should be fine if you catch em out of position but you can’t get hover over for 100% accuracy lvl of close right now.

Could be, doesn’t explain why its affecting the rest of the game though.

Honestly I think they’ve decided to do 1-3-2 and the experimental card is just to try to get everyone not to freak out.

JK was on the forums earlier, he pretty much said feedback is majority against it so they likely won’t do it.

It’s possible that having it leak into the other modes is a bug. The dev update included an escape clause (that it might get delayed) which sounded like they weren’t 100% confident that the exp card was going to work exactly as planned.

I’m glad they did this.
Never cared either way, but you people who NEED to do it, can go play another game now.

This is what they call win-win

I mean, you say “snowflakes,” but y’all are literally here crying because Blizzard isn’t catering to your special need to t-bag (whether or not it’s a good change). Hypocrisy abounds!


The key question is have they stopped Soldier76 from doing pushups on sleeping baby DVa???

“That’s ‘Sir’ to you.”

“Back in my day, we’d have had this payload delivered already!”

(Do I owe you a new keyboard yet?)