Did you know that brig E was nerfed because

Just wanna add, Brig is awful now.

You really think they reworked Brig’s ult with the intention of doing a bad job? Come on, man. Step away, take a deep breath, and think it over. They thought this new ult would be an improvement. If they had a crystal ball then they would have used it to see how rough LW would be on launch.

Kiriko’s is pretty much along the same lines as LW’s flower and Brig’s Repair, yeah. Moira’s healing is not generally considered hard-to-apply. But I don’t see why that would matter. In your conspiracy theory, they nerfed Brig to make LW look good. Why wouldn’t that apply to all high-healing supports and only to Brig? It doesn’t pass the smell test.

Tbh, I think it’s got less to do with LifeWeaver and more to do with how all these peeling abilities exacerbate to the “Lol just Dive the Widow” issue.

Especially peeling that goes through enemy Barriers/Matrixes.
(I.e. RepairPack and LifeGrip)

Better than an ostrich planting it’s head in the sand, with it’s rear in the air, imo.

Dive the widow actually these abilities help the diver more than widow.

Gut mercy and ana primary by half you will no longer see pocketed dps.

Here’s how I would do it.

I.e. Change the more problematic pocketed DPS, or narrowly target the interaction:

[OW2] Weekend PatchNotes I'm in the mood for:

Mercy change only affects pharah right.

Or do you mean mercy will heal less if she is in high ground, that seems odd cause that will nerf her on high ground setups on so many maps for others too like Gibraltar.

I like the 35 hps i would just make it the standard.

And give her a amp condition like sojourna that is if she dmg boosts a particular amount she gets amped heals for a few secs something like that

I endorse the full GA revert.

Ana i would just make it only do 50% heal reduction for tanks while do full for others as usual.

Literally any hero that’s more than 8m above the ground, with a Genji jump being 7.8m off the ground.

Not that.

My question is what if mercy is on the same level as them which is how she is mostly with snipers.

Mercy’s own height above the ground wouldn’t factor in at all.

Just the height above the ground of the person she’s healing.

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I feel that’s too niche to help with snipers or ranged dps in general, will help with pharah echo.

Will also nerf doom Winston ball as a sideffect.

I want something that prevents her pocketing hitscan dps.

To me i think 35 hps as base healing is good way to go.

Don’t you think heal is generally high currently, they are still having hps enough to heal two tanks and others.

I figure the way you solve that, is by reworking Widow/Hanzo/Sojourn, to the point that the counterplay doesn’t basically boil down to “Kill them or lose”.

I also think one of the reasons they made LW clunky is to prevent him from healing tracer easily.

Cause his primary is basically repair pack.

However it doesn’t go through enemy barriers/matrix/reflect.

I prefer killing them tracer’s still got it.

The issue is genji and others can’t through surplus heals.

Well I did have a Genji damage buff on the list in there.

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He has high ground to surpass most of it that brig doesn’t get easily.

I still think heals need a tone down to fit 5v5.

I mean everyone was so ready to jump down on the flankers throat 5v5 get nerfed.

But no one wants to even talk of the overhealing going on 4 seasons in.

Well, tone down burst damage, and I’d fully expect that they gotta scale down how durable compositions are after that.

Which could involve reducing heals.

By burst if you mean tracer good luck nerf the one flanker who can still do the job the game will rot after that.

If you mean hitscans Cassidy is fine he just needs a better E that’s not cheap.

Snipers I’m not sure what widow or hanzo will be without oneshot, so I’m against that.
Whenever sniper became meta we have always gutted them so they aren’t played alot.
I would rather nerf them without touching one shot and buff counters.

I think apart from tracer all flankers can do with a buff even scrummy sombra though she would do well to get another rework.
Echo reaper and genji.

I think sojourna is fine now so is ashe.

Any less dmg the game might as well become Minecraft.

I don’t see the big deal about burst dmg outside oneshots and pockets.

Which again is the overhealing that hasn’t been addressed since launch.